Friday, August 26, 2005

Children's parties and singing Gorillas

My wife and I have been to a million kids parties even before we had one of our own. Most of them are the same - cake, inflatable jumper, chicken nuggets, margaritas, whatever. Well, even though my daughter is just 6 weeks old I'm already planning the festivities for the big 'numero uno'. I'm not quite sure what kind of food we're going to have, or even the cartoon character she'll be into at the time (it just won't be Dora, Elmo, or PooBahs!). What I do know is that there's going to be a singing Gorilla. And hopefully we can find one that even does magic tricks. One that could make all the parents SUVs disappear and then reappear into candy! Boy- that would be some kids party...
  • Singing Telegrams
  • Gorilla Grams

    1. I like your website...I like the look of it...very nice design. I am very new at this & very technically retarded, so I was just bloggin' about trying to see other people's blogs so I can take what I like and make fun of what I don't like. But being a new dad and all, perhaps instead of blogging, you should sleep! Don't have a party for the kid until it can speak (whine)and ask for one! Trust me, they want bigger and more elaborate ones each year...
