Friday, August 05, 2005

Confessions of a bunny killer... :(

A frightening thing happened on the way home the other day...a bunny running across the road wanted me to hit it. And I did, real good and quick too, with my wife and child in the car. Thankfully my daughter is not even a month old yet so hopefully she won't remember the tragic experience. As I hosed off the bottom the Jeep later in the driveway-I convinced myself bunnies find it easier to get it over with quickly by a car rather than getting caught by a coyote. Which could be a slow and drawn out process over the night. If you really think about it, I did him a service. You're welcome brown bunny...
  • Book of Bunny Suicides

    1. i saw this bunny book once!! its sooooo funny. very creative.
      like your blog. keep writing!

    2. I just came across your blog using the "next blog" feature. It usually brings up crazy stuff, but your was the first one I have seen in English.

      Having kids can make you feel like you house has been invaded by giant colored pieces of plastic, most of which light up and talk. It's nice to know there are items (like your stroller) out there that can make you still feel just a little bit hip.

      Good Luck w/ the little lady and good blog.

    3. Holy crap, that's funny.

    4. My boy is just 5 months old and my partner is a vegetarian while I could eat meat for the United kingdom Olympic team...
      It should be an interesting time in my house the first time my son asks if he can gave what daddy is eating!
