Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Names: My baby shall be called...?

One of the hardest parts for me about having a baby was choosing a name. My wife and I had a girls name but just couldn't agree on a boy’s. After months at the bookstore and on the baby names sites she wanted what, at least to me, were not strong 'masculine' names like Sebastian and Nicholas (Those names to me are just a neon billboard to get beat up on the playground). I always imagined my sons name to be a strong one along the lines of Gwar, Zeus, Axel, or just Chuck. But on the day of our second ultrasound, all bets were off when we found out we were having a girl. And we went with the pre-agreed upon name of Gillian. Now that she is 2 months old, we both still talk about a boys name for that one day in the future that could possibly come.
  • Baby Name Suggestions Wizard
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