Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Diapers, Costco and free food samples.

My wife and I never caught on to the whole Costco (Bj's, Sam's Club) phenomenon. Sure we've been to one a few times with friends/family, but never had a need for 3 gallons of Ketchup, or a case of Del Monte green beans. Until I found out how much cheaper diapers were there. And I'm not talking about a few pennies per diaper, but a real deal. Before out little one was born we were set on a diaper service or the costly least environmentally destructive Seventh Generation diapers from Whole Foods, but when you go through loads of these a week, it really adds up. Besides, where else can you get samples (and a pretty good portion size) of nachos, teriyaki shrimp skewers, and French toasts sticks?
  • Costco
  • Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diapers
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