Sunday, October 30, 2005

Go "Trick or Treat" for Daddy...

I just can't wait for the day my daughter can go beg, I mean... go 'trick or treating', for candy. Not only it is fun for a kid to get all dressed up and get rewarded for it with candy, but as a parent I get to partake in eating the loot. Well, at least some of it. Sure, I can go buy it, but that's not nearly as fun. I can already picture myself in a few years anxiously asking her "sooo...what did you get?!"...and then her replying "MY CANDY!" as she runs for her room then slams the door. Exactly as I remember it from my childhood...

1 comment:

  1. So this is your 100th post, I love it! I got to take my son out trick-or-treating for the 1st time last November. He was 11 months old. I got to eat all his candy (well, I picked out the good stuff and then took the rest in to work). He could've cared less, but I had a blast. :)

    Thanks for participating in my "Hooray for 100" link exchange. Please spread the word, I'd appreciate it! I'd love to get at least a 100 people to link. :)
