Sunday, February 19, 2006

Pricey private vs. public schools...

L.A. Times ran a story Friday about the first private school here in Los Angeles to hit $25,000 a year. Which had me thinking again about public vs. private schools around these parts, and my daughter’s college bound future. My wife and I have had conversations about this for some time now, way before our daughter was born. We intentionally bought a house in the suburbs away from where we used to live (hipster Pasadena) primarily for the horrible public schools there (exception being early elementary grades in some token posh neighborhoods). Sure, we could send our child to one and make a "statement" about our belief in public schools and the re-emergence of the neighborhood, but as bad as it sounds, I didn't want to use my kid as test case to prove something. We've had friends who sent their kids through the system only, it seems, to graduate pregnant, looking like gangsters, doing crack, arrested, deported, whatever...and as for education, maybe attending two classes at a local valley junior college for a semester (most junior college’s around here teach only what they didn’t or couldn’t teach in public high schools anyway) There are, of course, exceptions to anything like freaky or pushy parents, the kid, disco, etc.
For us plan now is a hybrid. We have some good local suburban elementary schools but come jr. high, I'm biting the bullet, selling some organs on the black market, and my daughter is going to private school. I mean really, who needs "2" kidneys anyway...
  • L.A. Times: Tuition Hits $25,000 at Elite Schools

    1. "We've had friends who sent their kids through the system only, it seems, to graduate pregnant, looking like gangsters, doing crack, arrested, deported, whatever..."

      Holy Mother of've tapped into my oneof my parenting nightmares. How DO you do that???

    2. OK, so I was exaggerating a little. Nobody has been deported (yet…). But the rest is all true!!
