Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The smell of McDonald's Fries

I'm not liking somebody today and I'm not sure who it is. But they brought their McDonald’s food into the office just before lunch and now half the building smells like fries. First of all, I'm not a big fan of McDonalds except when they have really cool Happy Meal toys (yes, even before I had a kid), and I've been trying tremendously to cut back on fried-foods like fries ("French" for traditionalist, "freedom" for them' freaks) in the last year to about once or twice a month now. But when somebody grabs McDonalds for lunch and brings it into the office, I may not be hungry, but that smell haunts me, I want those freakin' fries!! Now I know what it's like to be on a diet. I've always made fun of those people in the past when I had a pretty good metabolism (meaning pre-30) doing stuff like eating in front of them, waving Oreo's, Chicken Fingers, or whatever. But now, I'm really sorry. Really I am. If that fry person were to walk past me right now, I’d grab them and run.
  • Why McDonald's Fries Taste So Good

    1. Karma's a bitch, isn't it? Don't you hate it too when someone has obviously been in an ELEVATOR with a bag of McDonald's and you get in after them? Talk about a smell that makes you hungry.

    2. Elevators are the worst when it comes to smells! There was this older woman at work (Holiday sweater-type) who wore way TOO much perfume. She 'retired' 2 months ago and, I swear, the Elevator still smells like her...
