Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Martha Stewart Poisoned Us!

And a 3am this morning when my wife and I were “releasing the evil food back to hell” I was ready to call the police, FBI, CIA, and AARP to send her back to prison for giving us food poisoning.
My wife enjoys making dinner recipes from things like “Real Simple” and Martha Stewarts “Everyday Food” magazine. I love it; the dinners we eat at home are much better than going out, the exception maybe being Baja Fresh and Red Lobster (just kidding-we loathe Red Lobster).
Last night she made ‘Spicy Pepper Vinaigrette on Steak’ from Martha’s current issue (page 101). Be warned! After researching the Internet there are some ingredients that are hard on the stomach. What? , Don’t they test these things out? Maybe it was a recipe given to her in prison by Big Mama and got by the editors and guards.
Anyway, we were both out of work today, thankful that we didn’t give anything to our daughter (imagine a baby with food poisoning!) and swore to cancel the subscription and never to make any of her witchey brew recipes again. Well, maybe we’ll try the strawberry spring salad thing, but after that-no more Martha.

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