Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Lunch At “The Sizzler”

Over the weekend we met my Grandparents for lunch at a Sizzler way out in Ontario (Outside L.A…. in California, not Canada). They LOVE Sizzler, even more than bingo (yeah, that’s big). Let me give some back-story on my Sizzler awareness – I haven't been to one since maybe 1991; didn’t know they were still around. Where we live, there aren’t any around. I thought they had gone the way of the DeLorean or Baywatch (People use to talk about it, now they don’t).
Growing up in the late 70’s/80’s my parents use to take my brother and I there on the weekends often (with a coupon, of course) to get their Las Vegas style buffet (precursor to Hometown Buffet I guess). My parents had (still have?) an obsession with Buffets (and they have really big bellies to show it)…I, on the other hand don’t (and thank God, not the belly). Buffet food scares me a little. As a kid, I did love Sizzler’s all-you-can-eat deep fried shrimp though; I remember one time, I really wanted my birthday dinner there when I was like 9 or 10. These days I only like deep-fried Oreos (I’m kidding).
But something was strange about this particular Sizzler in Ontario; the place hasn’t been updated since the 70’s or maybe even cleaned since 1981. When we sat down, I put my arm up on the table, and when I picked it back up it was stuck to the sticky tabletop. I had to use some effort and when my arm finally lifted, it sounded like peeling a fruit-roll up. When we moved to another table, same thing...but this time my pants stuck to the chair.

Imagine my reaction to the buffet. If you were to throw a chicken nugget at the window, it would shatter. People could die.

But hey! Seniors love it. They can get a whole lot of food and funny-tasting soft serve ice cream for $4 (for us 'youngsters' the same meal cost 3 times that.) The only thing cheaper would be hanging out at Costco, running around getting free food samples. Next time we meet them, I'm requesting Costco or Bingo.


  1. Buffets scare me... partly because I've seen folks pick things up with their hands when perfectly good tongs were available. and the idea that germs can grow under those heat lamps just makes me sick...

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Be careful what you wish for. Next time you go to Costco you're liable to find their free samples arranged as a buffet.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Dude! I had no idea that Sizzlers were still around. I used to love that place when I was in my teens. Where else could you get a steak dinner for $6.00? Unfortunately, I think I'll pass now. I hate anything even remotely sticky. If that shit happened to me with my arm or the seat, I'd freak.

  4. I'm with Metrodad, grandparents or not I'd have taken them home for some good 'ole fashioned oatmeal rather than sit in sticky shit.

    As a matter of fact the only time I would ever want to hear sticky shit and food mentioned is after one of the imps at lots of oatmeal...

  5. My parents love buffets. I am not crazy about them at all. My huband calls them "eat till you pukes", which highly offended my parents the first time they heard him say that. Yuck about the stickiness! I'm not sure I would have been able to eat there!

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    There must come a time in every person's life when they begin to think that they can only afford to eat cheap. Is there a time when we all cross over this? My grandparents would go to dinner at 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon just to get the early bird special for dinner. It didn't matter what the special was, you ate it no matter and liked it because it was $4.99 and it included free coffee.

  7. Ah, Sizzler. I have not been to a Sizzler in years, though we used to frequent the joint in the 80s.

  8. Yeah, what is it about old people and buffets? It's a rite of passage into geezerdom, like getting your first Social Security check.

    Actually we're probably going to Golden Corral on Sunday (which is alot like Sizzler but cleaner) since where else can you go with toddlers to try to teach them about restaurant eating?!

  9. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Don't knock the deep fried Oreo until you've tried them. Seriously. And while you're at it, try the deep fried Twinkie and Snickers bar too ... all three can be found at the California State Fair this year ... oh, I can feel the tummy ache already!

  10. Um, sticky table AND chair, eeeeewwwww!!!!! I would have been outta there like a bat outta hell!

  11. Anonymous6:20 AM

    When I was a kid, I used to love The Sizzler. They had this thing called Malibu chicken that was sooo good. Oh and the crunchy grilled bread. But I haven't seen one in years and this post doesn't make me want to find
