Monday, August 07, 2006

Movie Date Night And A Potty

Friday night the wife and I got a sitter and finally saw a movie... in a theater! Not on Netflix, or cable, but a "real" movie theater. How soon we forgot the $10 "value popcorn meal deal", the $4 small bottle of water, the 30 minutes of TV commercials before the movie. After the initial excitement I was beginning to wondered what really was the big deal. Yes, I remember now - it's the "idea" of going somewhere without the kid that makes it seem exciting for a few hours (like you're out past parent curfew).

The most entertaining part (after Pirates 2, by the way...I liked the 1st movie a little more) of the night had to be my trip to the restroom, when I went in to do my 'thang', it was empty and quiet, but then I heard some talking coming from the handicap stall. A Dad and his toddler daughter inside--

Are you finished honey?
Girl: Uhh, I think so. Nooo! Wait (growls). O.K. Noooo!! Uhh...
Dad: Honey, you need to eat more fruits and vegatables..
Girl: Popcorn is a vegatable!
Dad: Honey, peaches and apples...are you done yet?
Girl: I think so...wait!
Dad: O.K. Stop talking and concentrate


Girl: This girl at school told me that there's this funny part in the movie where the dog....
Dad: Are you done?
Girl: Uhh, I think so. Nooo! Wait (growls). O.K. Noooo!! Uhh...

That's going to be me in no time. Note to self, carry prunes and a magazine or good book.


  1. Great conversation and congrats on the night out. I remember two DJs in SoCal, Kevin & Bean, of KROQ, hosted the "bathroom interviews" around 1993-1994 or so. They were hilarious because one of them would strike up a conversation with a person in the next stall. "Uh, can I borrow some toilet paper."

  2. LOL! That poor Daddy...

  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Yet again I am going to rip you off, or at least borrow your post for inspiration. You've got to read my Wed. post for the worst variation of that conversation I've ever heard of.

  4. our girl.imp used to groan but used actual words (ok...word):


  5. That was hilarious!!

    Once I was walking out of the bathroom and noticed a little girl sitting on the toilet with a funny look on her face. She had left the stall door open. I asked, "Are you okay? Do you need help with something?" She lit up, thrust forward a handful of toilet paper and said, "YES!! Can you wipe me?!!?!"

    I obliged, but laughed about that forever.

  6. I'm going to be such a horrible parent - I'll just end up laughing.
