Thursday, August 24, 2006

Taking Pictures - Smiles Everyone, Smiles!

A relative sent us pictures of a recent trip they had in Savannah, Georgia. Apparently they've never been there even though they've lived in Georgia for over 38 years (well, not really 38 years, but close).
I wouldn't mind visiting Savannah one day, we watch HGTV and they did some Dream House show out there and that movie "Garden of Good and Evil" was filmed there (the movie was bad, but the location was nice). Very old historic place, restaurants, hotels, and lots of interesting monuments, etc.

The first thing I noticed was, in the pictures of them standing next to monuments, they don't smile. They just kind of stand there with this constipated look and their eyes are like "If you don't take that picture now, I swear I'll crap in your Jello-Puddin' tonight!!". I remember this look, it's the look that old Pioneers took in the late 1800's when doing photo portraits. You know, the old black and white/sepia pictures where the Father sits in the chair and the family stands around him looking like they can't wait for him to kick the bucket so they can take over the farm and raid the gold mine.

Most people I know smile in pictures. I smile in pictures, make faces, "stage" events in pictures, even my daughter has learned to smile when the shiny little box is pointed at her. It's a picture for crying out loud! You at least smile; you just don't stand there. I honestly don't get it. But then again, these people are weird. Maybe Robots really can't smile or love.


  1. My grandma used to not smile in pictures. I remember asking my mom why and she had no idea. Very strange!

  2. You stage events? That's something you will have to elaborate on...
    My son says cheese when we want to take a pic of him. Me- I give a half-assed attempt at a smile because if I smile too much my eyes shrink a'la Paris Hilton.

  3. I hate my smile. I actually look better in pictures with a straight face.

    Speaking of which, in the 1800's shutter speeds were very slow, and film speed was very slow and it took a long time to expose for a picture, so the subjects needed to stay stock-still or the picture would be blurred. Hence, the stiff, posed people. There were actually metal braces on poles that were set behind the subjects to help them keep their heads still.

  4. Mrs. Big Dubya and I got drunk in savannah and walked around for a bit - that was about the extent of our Savannah experience

  5. I've been trying to master the non-smiling pictures for years now. I always end up looking angry or frustrated. I just want to look thoughtful. Serene.

    I want to look like I'm not posing, I guess. I had a good friend who did it perfectly. I'm still trying...

  6. I didn't realize that I could very well be in the minority smiling in pictures.

    Diana - to answer your question about "staging" events -- There could be a statue in some action pose and I'll join in like I'm doing something with them. Or just make bunny ears behind them.
