Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 – Has It Really Been 5 Years?

This day always creeps me out every year since 2001. Maybe because I remember it so clearly just everything that happened that day in great detail – turning on the TV, my wife and I completely horrified, the freeways empty. Coming into work, TV’s brought out into the halls and turned on in the conference rooms. No planes flying in the sky. Everything outside seemed really quiet. I remember calling a close friend in New York since he worked down near Times Square and finally getting a hold of him – I can remember that conversation.

Today, the security is beefed up and everything is quiet. Nobody really says anything but you can tell they’re all thinking the same thing.
I saw that ‘controversial’ Path to 9/11 movie last night, although I know the thing was a docu-dram or dramatization, or whatever they’re calling it, but it still was frightening all the same.

I wonder if this day will ever loose its significance after a generation or two just like December 7, 1941 (the day Pearl Harbor was bombed). It likely will, I just hope the world is a much different place by then.


  1. I recently saw the movie Pearl Harbor on DVD, and my heart broke for those families the same way it broke for the people with 9/11.
    It's such a shame the world we live in is this way...
    *shaking my head*

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I hope so too, Tony.

  3. The crazy thing is that our kids will have History assignments to come home and ask their parents where they were when 9/11 happened. It will be our job to help our kids understand just what it was like. Or, I suppose if we don't do our job, then they can watch 9/11 movies during the last week of school before Spring Break when the assignments have run out and movie-time comes.

  4. By the way, Waya, I think I saw that film too and it was very powerful. It's hard to watch some of the footage because it is a reminder of all that initally happened.

  5. I am totally morose every 9/11 too. I let myself wallow a bit. How can you possibly forget and just set it aside? even after five years, it feels pretty fresh.

  6. The Citizen was at Toyota in LA during 9.11. He said nothing got done that day.

    He was stuck in LA but at least he had a hotel room to stay in.
