Friday, October 20, 2006

What’s With All The "Trying To Be Sexy" Girls Halloween Costumes?

O.K. so I’m not complaining about those sexy costumes made for adult women, I’m a guy, and if I complained about them I would be lying. If women want to dress as naughty Bo-peep’s or Wench Chamber-Maid Pirates, I’m all for it. In fact, I wouldn’t mind buying the wife the entire collection. We're adults.
The part that really upsets me is that some of those costumes are creeping down to the teen and girls categories. We’ve been getting a lot of those junk mail ads from the local Party Shops, and seriously - I was gasping at some of the costumes they’re trying to peddle onto little and teen girls. The stockings, big platform shoes, skirts - they look like strippers? I kept thinking “Not my daughter, EVER!!!” Seriously, what kind of parent would buy this stuff for their kid? (No, that picture isn't one of them, I'm not posting one). You have to be a pretty sick parent to let your daughter wear that stuff (be a parent and say “No!”) And what are these companies thinking to even make stuff like that. I’m fine with the cutesy girl costumes stuff like Princesses, Fairies, Animals, Taxi Driver, etc. That's expected.

What I want to know is - how did we go from those to Brittany-Stripper-Cheerleader-Bratz-Doll Hoochie's on amateur night costumes? Is this the first year of this, or am I just now noticing now that I’m a father of a girl…? Seriously, this is a father of a daughter worse nightmare.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I agree. Some of those costumes for kids in the recent PartyCity catalog were appalling. And when I finally got my husband to stop drooling over the French Maid outfits in the adults' section, he mumbled that I was right.

    I have to put all of the blame on the parents, though. Who allows their little girl to go out trolling for candy dressed like a Hooters barmaid?

    This year, my daughters are Girl Ninjas from their favorite anime show. Grrrrrlll Power!

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Could it be that these 'costumes' aren't really for Halloween, Tony?

    hee hee

  3. Glah. NOt only icky, but cold for the last day of October in Toronto!

  4. I wrote about this about a month or so ago. I just can't believe parents are letting their daughters dress like this! I had a really tough time finding costumes for my daughters that were appropriate!

  5. it's not just Halloween costumes. Wait until you have to take her school shopping. There's too much kany, slutty garnage out there.

    The kiddo is going as a chaste black cat.

  6. Yeah, I don't get this either. I have two boys, so luckily I don't have to directly deal with it - but I wonder how many of their future classmates will show up at school halloween parties in this crap.

  7. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Its sad, really. But we always got around the hoochie costumes by making it a big deal fun project to make something cool and original....and un-whore-like. She won a prize for best costume the year we dressed her up as Cleopatra. She was demurely wrapped up in a sheet, but what made the costume was the cheap long black wig and the eyeliner...HAHA.

  8. I couldn't agree more. I'm sooo glad I have a son and won't be dealing with this because I think I would knock my daughter upside the head if she ever wore some of the outfits I see, and not only during Halloween!
    I saw a Pocahontas costume that was too adult-like IN THE KIDS SECTION...

  9. Anonymous4:37 AM

    I totally agree with you.
    the scary thing is that this is exactly what my 4 soon to be year old girl is going to wear, minus the stockings.

    Like Chris rock says:
    "If your daughter is dancing on a poll and her name is Jasmine - you did a very bad job as a father"

    thank you for your blog. 1st time here

  10. I can't imagine any Dad in his right mind allowing his daughter to leave the house dressed all skanky like that. But then again, maybe a teen would put it on afterward.

  11. abba-daddy - yeah, I heard that saying. I usually don't like him, but that statement makes too much sense.

    Diana - Pocahontas?!

  12. Have you been to, oh, Limited Too lately? Or any girls department at a department store? It's frightening and sends you running to LL Bean.

  13. Izzy has some GREAT posts about this subject. She basically says it all perfectly from my point of view. And then everyone slams it home in the comment section.

    I'd reference the posts but I only have two more minutes of computer time tonight.

    And, yes, it is totally scary the way they sell sex these days. I read on Izzy's that Target is selling bras (with lace and matching undies) in a size six. FOR SIX YEAR OLD GIRLS. Some four year olds wear that size. It's incredible.

  14. You're all scaring me.

    I think I'm going to have her wear oversized coats and move to a cabin in a forest

  15. I was gasping at some of the costumes they’re trying to hawk onto little and teenage women. The stockings, huge platform footwear, skirts - they appear to be strippers? I saved considering “Not my daughter, EVER!!!” Critically, what kind of parent would buy these things for their child? (No, that image isn't certainly one of them, I'm not posting one). It's a must to be a reasonably sick mum or dad to let your daughter put on that stuff (be a father or mother and say “No!”) And what are these firms considering to even make stuff like that.
