Friday, February 16, 2007

"First rule of Toddler Fight Club: There is no Toddler Fight Club!"

Sometimes I read something and it is so ridiculous that it seems fabricated. Sadly, this is not. I just read about how some idiot parents were sitting around making their toddlers fight each other- taunting them, trying to 'toughen them up'.
Reading this story literally made me sick. And what really shocked me is that these parents were all women. How stupid of a parent do you have to be making your kid do this!? Isn’t our job as parents to protect them – keeping them out of conditions like this? Thankfully these unintelligent people were caught because they filmed it.

What I find even more disturbing is reading about how people are looking around the internet (like YouTube) trying to view the video. These are probably the same people who were hoping and pushing for that Steve Irwin video to be released.
What's wrong with people these days? It seems as if humanity is getting lower on the food chain every time I read something like this; or when another reality show about people getting hurt or humiliated ("Live!") is created, or even times when people look up to celebrities as leaders (trust me, actors are not leaders. They are some of the most screwed-up, selfish people in this world. Only a tiny number of ‘the famous’ are great.) - I can go on and on.

A few weeks ago, I saw that movie “Idiocracy” (written and directed by Mike Judge of 'Office Space' and 'King of the Hill' fame) the movie was O.K. and could have been better executed, but the idea was interesting. The basic premise is about how the stupid people are breeding more than the smart people and in 500 years, a hooker and an average guy would be considered the smartest people on earth.
If there are more parents like this, then I think it might end up happening...


  1. I had not heard of this!!!

    Unfreaking believable. Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

    Here I am, sitting around with my thumb up my butt, waiting for the government to give me a kid, and there are morons out there like that allowed to keep theirs?

    Unfreaking believable!

  2. Wow. That's completely insane. I hardly even know how to respond to that kind of story.

    You know, T has a good point. Red tape and regulation keep so many kids out of good homes and then this garbage goes on. It's just sad.

  3. WTF is wrong with people? My first reaction is that these women need to be exposed to their own fight club in prison, but that would probably just reinforce their idea that kids need to be toughened up. What they need is for the kids to be taken from them.

  4. Wow it's interesting to see the reaction. Don't get me wrong, I agree totally that it is wrong for parents to "toughen their kids" through toddlers fight. Yet I can't help but wonder why we can say this is wrong yet we allow the government to "toughen" the soldiers through training that centered around killing?! Like the ones shown in the documentary "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" - where soldiers are trained to shoot women and children (not just enermy in uniform). If violence to any living breathing non-threatening human race is wrong, then it should apply to our homes, streets, neighborhoods, army camps, including our actions in another country!

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I enjoyed Idiocracy as well and the notion keeps coming back to me. The idiots are breeding (and voting) and it can only get worse.

    However, as far as this stuff goes... I don't think we're getting worse. I think the technology to record idiots is getting better.

  6. man, i really need to get hooked up with you tube.

  7. Wow is all I can say. Sad.

  8. OMG - Tell me that story isn't true (but sadly it is isn't it...) That just breaks my heart. I have been wanting to see Idiocracy, the premise alone is facinating...

  9. I had not heard about this...but it is sickening. How does someone get the idea that their children will be tough enough to deal with life issues if they can just beat up the next kid? I'm so glad they got caught. But I worry just how many more are out there just like them.

  10. I was just reading this story a couple of minutes ago! Sick freaks. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of freaky freaks out there and and it seems like they're starting to outnumber the rest of us.

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM


    Makes you try harder, as parents, to raise your children to be the best that they can be.

  12. How depressing. I thought it was gonna be a Palanuik-type post. Instead, it was a post reiterating my belief that the world is full of stupid people.

  13. Wow...pretty sad. Good lord. What sort of ass would raise a kid to be tough? Like the world doesn't already do it for us?

  14. :What's wrong with people these days?:

    Sadly too many people have lost what few values they were raised with and are so wrapped up in themselves and whatever they can get out of life, they don't think of the consequences of the future. Just wrong.

  15. "only stupid people are breeding" I believe is a lyric from a song called "I'm not well" from the band, Lit. I could be wrong on all three details, but your post reminded me of this song. As for the toddler fighting...sounds like a hellova pay-per-view event.

    My three year old girl is too prissy, but my one year old girl could kick some ass. Sign us up.

  16. My husband and I saw this movie a few weeks ago and we keep talking about how it's quite scary as we evolve into stupidity.

  17. Scary and depressing.

    Kind of like the experience of being exposed to the general public for any length of time.

  18. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I saw that movie too. Some people should just not be allowed to breed. Our society really does cater to the lowest common denominator, and it's getting worse, not better.

  19. I've always said it's amazing the restrictions they have on society on something as simple as who can drive a car, but anyone can go ahead and have a child. It's scary the people in this world that are conceiving.

    The is my first response on your blog. Nice to "meet" you.

  20. Oh dear God, that story just made me feel SICK!!!!

  21. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The story is sad -- beyond sad -- but your photo is quite possibly the coolest thing I've seen in a long, well, ever. Ernie looks like he's going to shank elmo. Now that's a video I'd search for ...

  22. cry it out! - I never noticed that...

    Elle - Isn't it? And it seems as if our society makes it easier for these people all the time.

    L.A. Daddy - Man, I never thought of that. Now I'm really scared!

    T. - I hope you get one soon. We need the good parents to take as many as possible.

  23. That is the best picture ever. You can always tell the evil muppets by their eyebrows.

  24. I am Jack's utter sense of disgust.

  25. Good lord, you're kidding me! I don't even know what to say. "Puke"?

  26. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I live in Plymouth, Devon, and it's horrific to think of this kind of thing going on nearby.
    But I'm sure there is even worse abuse happening in homes all around the world.

  27. Anonymous8:32 PM

    When my wife told me about this today my blood just boiled. I was just simply pissed off that someone could do anything remotely close to that. I just want to find these people and...

    Then I was just astounded at the fact that it was women. people are getting stupider and stupider every day. I hope the JACKASS and PARIS HILTON generation will do a better job...wait what did I say...oh shit even stupider!!!

    And as far as comparing impressionable, innocent children to a military solder...well lets just say they are not one in the same and that was just not a well thought out comment you made and was borderline idiotic. If your against the war...fine but that was just stupid.

  28. dte23 -- What's with that last part you wrote? I've made no comment remotely close to what you're claiming.
