Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I admit it. I'm a Baby high chair snob...

Yes, it’s true. Because I don't want an ugly plastic thing with some scary patterns of bear's, mickey's, or fish on it which come in colors that sting my cornea. You know them, as with most baby items you find at nearly all stores. But none are more hideous than a large plastic high-chair sitting outside to the public, open for all to see. High chairs in restaurants look more presentable than those things. So when my daughter started sitting up eating puréed peas, it came time to go searching. I was shocked to find not many out there but inevitably came up with the Svan (A very Ikea-looking high-chair, but without the low-price). You would seriously think that, with design-sensitive parents these days, baby companies like Graco, Fisher-Price, etc. would get real designers. I've just found another goal on my "things to do to make the world a better place" list. For the children, of course. Because no designer parent would want his or her offspring to eventually grow into a Honda Element, Toyota Scion, or worse - Pontiac Aztec.
  • Svan Chair
  • Car Talk: Ugly Cars
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