Thursday, February 02, 2006

Smart Marketing: The "Magic" candy jar that refills itself

On the reception desk at work there lives what I call "The Magic Candy Jar", because everyday is refills itself with good candy (like chewy sweet tarts, nerds, spree's, etc.) and none of that nasty generic Tootsie Roll business. This company, with an ad on the jar, (I can't remember the name but that's not important) fills it up at least twice a day. That’s a company that I'll do business with. One that understands that free candy (the good stuff, not Tootsie Rolls) is the way to get customers. Although I don't know what they do or what services they offer, I'm more than willing to tell others around the office what good candy this fine company has provided at our reception. Because I like the way that company thinks. Whoever they are, or whatever they do.
  • Wacky World of Willy Wonka
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