Monday, August 14, 2006

She Walks! She Runs!

And it took only 13 months and 3 days. My daughter has been cruising the furniture and walls for a few months now. She’ll even throw in a few steps on her own once in awhile and when we “oh and awed” (like Smurfs) she’ll immediately end the floorshow.
But today my wife and I were determined to make her walk on her own. We both sat on the floor facing each other and started moving further away making her run between us. Eventually we would stand up and back away then she would just start chasing us (while giggling like Elmo.)

Watching her walk on her own really made my mind wander (insert a cartoon thought cloud bubble over my head). She’s no longer a baby and officially a toddler, and how time is truly flying by. How something as simple as walking can lead to playing soccer, hide & seek with daddy, 19-mile marathons and in the far off future walking down the aisle getting married. I kept thinking to myself “Wow, I’m going to remember this day for the rest of my life”, even down to the poop stench coming out of her butt that I had hoped my wife noticed first so I didn’t have to change her diaper.
It was enough to get me a little veclemped, just thinking my little girl is growing up right before my eyes.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Needless to say, she is ridiculously cute! I love the outfit. And congrats on the walking. Big, first milestone. Few words of advice...once she starts climbing, you'll rue the day that she ever took her first step!

  2. oh the walking! Congrats? And I say this apprehensively because my dear son has not stopped for more than a minute since he learned to walk...and I'm ex-HAUS-ted.
    Really, YAY! and I too love the dress.

  3. Welcome to the nightmare. Oh, sorry. Freudian slip. Actually, it's fantastic. Little Dub walked down the aisle with his mother this weekend at his aunt's wedding - talk about being verklempt.

  4. Ahhh, the first steps! Gone are the times you can sit the little imp down and wander free of spirit...Of course the girl.imp loves to climb and leap at me as I pass and the boy.imp only has two speeds: 1) Full tilt, 2)Crash

    Too be honest, they are both much more interesting now they are mobile. And now you can sneak the little into another room and have her 'run' up to mommy when the diaper needs changed. Because how could you know, being on the far end of the house and all...LOL

  5. That's cool. I think it gets so much more exciting to have a walker. Of course, you'll now be chasing her a whole lot more and she'll get really quick too. Hope you guys get to at least do a 5K later this year...

  6. Your daughter is very pretty.

    My whole family thinks I'm nuts since I refer to Branch and Blossom as "the toddlers" and I correct people who still refer to them as babies. First of all, I hate when people still call their 9-year old kid "the baby". Secondly, my kids ARE toddling around. That would make them toddlers, not babies. I suppose once they are 3 I will begin to refer to them as "pre-schoolers".

  7. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I usually rely on you for my comedic break in blog reading. What are you doing makin' me all weepy n' shit?


  8. Wow. That takes me back, for sure. I was so often doing that - "Oh, look! She's picking her nose... oh, no! Will she pick her nose WHEN SHE LEAVES ME TO GO TO COLLEGE?! WAAAH!!!"
    Parents are nutty. :)

  9. mel - the nose thing I always think that! I don't want to have the nose-picker kid.
