Friday, August 11, 2006

Traveling With New Rules

I’m not going to get into this whole thing with those arrested UK terrorists (I’m just glad something happened to prevent anything). And this isn’t going to prevent us from our upcoming Disney World trip this Christmas. What troubles me most is the after effects of new rules that could affect carry-on baggage while traveling. You know, no liquids, gels, electronics, etc.

I can’t imagine an even more boring trip without the iPod, Nintendo DS, or Laptop watching my own movies. The last time I flew, the plane was showing movies like “Dreamer: The Horse Who Should Have Been Put Down” and “The Notebook”. I don’t want to watch that stuff! And the music on the airline stations was either classical (which I don’t mind when I’m working), country (sorry, I don’t like hee-haw) or some weird mix of 80’s soft-rock (Michael Bolton, Kenny G, and Amy Grant type-stuff) – Definitely not my cup of tea.

So when anybody asks me if I’m ‘discouraged from flying’, I’m answering “Yes!” but not because I don’t think it’s safe, it’s because I can’t imagine not taking my own entertainment, food & snacks, and Fiji water on the plane.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I think I'd be a perfect Code Red flyer. When I went to BlogHer, I flew from Florida with nothing but a couple crappy magazines and a travel pillow.

  2. I heard a couple of AM Talk Radio guys talking today about how we are not going to have to take off our shoes for security anymore. I don't know if that is in "the rules" of what you are talking about, or if it is even true, but it's an interesting move. I mean, they cannot check everything. Bombs can always be smuggled on in Starbucks cups, right? They make you take a sip, but couldn't it be in the bottom of the cup in a plastic baggie, and therefore it would not do damage to ingest coffee that does not touch C4? Don't know...

  3. I wouldn't be able to fly w/out my own music. I think I'd rather get on a train for days than have to be on a plane listening to the old lady next to me talk about her ailments...
    But then I haven't flown since I had my son, so that in itself would change it to: I wouldn't be able to fly w/out others having their own music to save their ears from my son's constant "MAMA! DADDIIIIIEEEEE! What? Car! BYE_BYE PLANE!"
    Hope there is no red alert when you guys go to Disney. A train seems out of the question for you guys on that one...

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Last Intercontinental flight I had, they decided a Gilmore Girls marathon was in order and I almost opened my veins.

  5. I personally am not any more discouraged from flying because of these changes, but only because I would rather gnaw my own arm off than get on an airplane in the first place.
    I've been on two planes in my life - one there, and one back - and that was enough for me.
    Besides, the husband would not like me to use the coping mechanism I used for that high school class trip - surround myself with cute guys and flirt myself into forgetting that I was in an airplane.

  6. You need to try Song Airlines (although they may be defunct now). They have at least 25 different radio mixes of ALL different types of music. They also have TV screens in each seatback. In 2004 I flew Song from Tampa to Boston, watched Wimbledon and listened to Carribean/world music. The flight was over before I knew it. More airlines are going to have to do the Song thing now that people can't take their own entertainment. I know my mom will not like this. She always listens to CD's on the airplane.

    I am SO With you on the crappy airplane movies. When we went on our honeymoon (Delta Airlines), we were forced to watch "Home Alone" on all 5 of the total flights (to Hawaii and back). Even w.o paying for the headphones I still had to stare at that ugly McCauley Caulkin for most of the flights times.

    Welcome to Florida, in advance.

  7. Great post! I agree, whiney preschoolers without dvds on cross country flights will definitely make things a bit--as you put it--discouraging.

    And you know,, I hadn't thought about it this way until just now but I think Jet Blue's stock is about to soar.

  8. mrsmogul - All I can say is - take the baby food that tastes good and bring a spoon.
