Friday, September 01, 2006

The End Of Summer '06

I know technically it isn’t, but ‘culturally’ Labor Day is the end of summer. I’m not sure where the summer went but frankly, the last 10-11 years since I got out of college, I always feel a little ripped-off.

Summers don’t have the same “zing” that they did when I was in school, you know the road trips, the extra time off, the “summer jobs” and the friends that come along with it. Nope, when you’re a working adult, July is exactly like February except the weather is different. Maybe it would be different if my wife and I actually took a vacation during the summer, but everywhere is always so crowded.

Things have been much different now that my daughter is around. Watching her grow and learn new “tricks” has been a thrill. This summer she had her 1st birthday with the Elvis impersonator (that I’m sure she’ll never forget), she learned how to walk, and she added more words to her vocabulary, such as “NO! NO! NOOoooO!” (Although we could live without that one). We went to another wedding - now, that we’re going well into our 30’s there are less and less of them since most friends are married (or “hooked-up”) now. These days, kids parties are becoming much more common for us.

Oh yeah, there’s nothing like a 3-day weekend to make you reminisce about getting older. I think I may go play chess in the park this weekend and complain about the government.


  1. God, I know!

    Dave got laid off in July and it has been AWESOME having him around all summer.

  2. Make sure you wear a golf shirt. You don't have to play, just wear the shirt. And wear you socks pulled waaay up. And bring a cane, but don't walk on it...

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Once you have kids, neither summers nor weekends are ever the same. We *all* need to take vacations again... work work work all the time is bad for the human spirit man.

  4. If it's still warm you can wear black socks with sandals. And like Diana said, pull 'em ALL the way up!

    What I really missed was semester break. We had 4-6 weeks off in winter. I could definitely dig that.

  5. whoa! an entire 3-day weekend to plan? College football starting?
    (ok, your wife will be more in tune with this)

    Starting tomorrow I will duct tape the remote to my arm!

  6. See it's not about the socks, it's about making sure you shorts are pulled way up around your nipples. Then you know that you've reached crotchedy-old-man status.

    I do miss summer vacations, though. It's wasted on those damn kids.

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Oh geez - maybe I'll see you at the park. I'll be the one wearing a holey cardigan and carrying all my things in a plastic grocery bag.
