Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My List of Top 10 Television Characters

I’ve been “tagged” again for one of these Meme’s, this time by Mrs. Chicky. This was a tough one, how could I choose only ten?

Here we go (in no particular order):

1. “Arnold Jackson” from Diff-Rent Strokes (Gary Coleman): You know that one popular cheesy line “You had me at hello” from some sappy 90’s movie, well mine is “What chou talkin’ bout!” Something about Arnold’s obnoxious comeback lines to Mr. Drummond still brings a smile to my face even when the weather is bad or if I’m stranded on La Cienega with a flat tire south of the 10 freeway. Maybe it’s because of his fascination with trains (And I don’t even like trains).

2. Samuel 'Screech' Powers from Saved By The Bell (Dustin Diamond): No other nerd character will ever come close, ever! He even went out with Tori Spelling on a few episodes. Urkel can never beat that.

3. “Adrian Monk” from Monk (Tony Shalhoub): I swear, this is my brother. Well, not really, but very close.

4. “Pee-Wee Herman” from Pee-Wee's Playhouse (Paul Reubens): I not only liked him in his TV show, but also in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (my favorite movie of all time). The guy is just weird and very creative. I met him once at a party (he was completely stoned) and thought I was related to Charo, I said "Yes", and I would tell her he said hello the next time I saw her on the Love Boat.

5. “Michael Scott” from The Office (Steve Carell): He reminds me of so many people I know. It’s scary, when I laugh on the outside, I cry a little on the inside.

6. “Rose Nylund” from The Golden Girls (Betty White): That Rose tells the best stories about that little town she grew up in. If Snow White grew up, she would be Rose.

7. Author “The Fonze” Fonzarelli from Happy Days (Henry Winkler): When I was a kid, I had a Fonze big wheel (I loved that big wheel until my Dad ran it over in the driveway). He was cool, not only with the ladies, but his office was a bathroom and he could start a jukebox just by pounding it with his fist. I still hit jukeboxes with my fist hoping one day one would play.

8. Sergeant “B.A.” Baracus from The “A” Team (Mr. T):
B.A. knew how to bring justice to all them fools. He made big guns and grenade launchers from spare tires and drove a van that could drive over helicopters all while shining his gold chains and sipping ice-cold lemonade.

9. “George Costanza” from Seinfield (Jason Alexander): I watch the reruns of this show and it gets funnier with time.

10. “Michael Knight” from Knight Rider (David “The Hoff” Hasselhoff):
It’s the chest hair. It has magical powers to make citizens arrests, sing cover songs from the 60’s that make Germans wet their Lederhosen, to make a Trans Am go faster than 65 mph without overheating, and then later to become a lifeguard boss to Nicole Eggert and Pamela Anderson. Just proves to me that you don’t need talent, just chest hair, a fake deep voice, and a smile that says “Ladies, how ya’ doing?”.

I'm tagging Junebee and Waya...


  1. Faaantastic! And now that you've included Michael Knight I don't feel so bad about including Alf in my list.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Wow, you have some weird people in there...

    You obviously have not started watching kids shows yet...The only thing that runs in my mind now is Dora this, Dora that..Swiper Swiper... it's driving me insane..

  3. Holy shit, I love this meme. Don't think I've been tagged but I'm doing it anyway. Rose Nylund. What a surprise. I love love love this post. Michael Scott. Hilarious.

  4. mrsfortune- consider yourself "tagged"

  5. A lone crusader to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals that operate above the law.

    Excellent choices across the board!

  6. Ah, The Fonze. Good one!

    I love George Costanza too!

  7. I almost picked Dorothy from Golden Girls, but I was too chicken. Great list!

  8. lynsalyns - Dorothy reminded me too much of a man in a moo-moo and Ursula from Little Mermiad. I think Sofia (Ma!) would be my #2 Golden Girl favorite.

  9. I LOVED "Pee-wee's Big Adventure". Especially the part with Twisted Sister. I used to have a car very similar to the one Dee Snyder was atop of. I still have my P.W.B.A. VCR tape. I hope to show it to my kids one day, except I know the Branch will be scared of the Large Marge character.

    Maybe I'll do this meme. I used to be quite the TV fan.

  10. Fonze had a big wheel?

  11. awesome list. two that come to mind -- Florence from the Jeffersons and Alice from Brady Bunch -- make me wonder why i'm drawn to TVland housekeepers. Then there's Toot Toot Tootie from the Facts of Life. I'm glad to see the 'Hoff has made two of your posts in two weeks, dude. Someone's gotta love.

  12. dadinprogress -- 3 good ones you have there.

    becky -- well he had a motorcycle, I had a Big Wheel that looked like one (well, not really) but it had a picture of "The Fonze" on it that told kids it's just like the real thing.

    junebee -- show it to them 'on a dark and scary night, a night just like this...'

  13. I'm in depserate need of a meme... I'm going to copy Mrs. F and consider myself tagged :)

  14. Anonymous6:14 AM

    In a world of criminals that operate above the law? Dont criminals by definition operate above the law? How many criminals operate within the law? If one is obeying the law then they arent criminals.
