Monday, September 18, 2006

Sketches of My Daughter

Since more than a few people have asked me, I’ve decided to post some ‘life’ ink sketches I’ve done of my daughter from my sketchbook. I’ve been drawing her since she was 3 days old (as an artist it’s really hard not to) She has the cutest cheeks, round chubby legs, rolls everywhere, arms with the dimples, etc. Sometimes it feels as if I’m sketching a baby ‘Stay-Puff’ marshmallow man. Now, at 14 months, those features are slowing going away.

I’m going to start these with somewhere in the beginning. When my daughter use to sleep 90% of the time. I would just stare at her…and draw, thinking about everything from my new life as a Dad to her future (one day possibly as an artist, or as a adult crayon eater).


  1. Loving them.
    I used to draw...then I gave birth and decided to sleep. (As I see your wife in one of the sketches, she had the right idea!)

  2. Beautiful! You are an amazing artist! I drew a picture of my son when he was a baby that is one of my favorites. I can't seem to get the pictures of my older kids to look like them. The pictures always seem to look like they are missing something, but I can't put my finger on what that something is.

  3. Wow. I wish I had that skill.


  4. Very cool. It'll be really neat to show your daughter all of these drawings someday. Post more when you have the time.

  5. Those are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them!

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    That is so freaking cool, Tony. I wish I had more artistic talent but alas I've got none.

  7. Thanks for the nice comments everybody! I'll be posting more in the future from time to time.

  8. Cool. I went to art school and my mother always suggested I draw pics of my kids but I've never attempted it.

  9. It's amazing, isn't it, how they suddenyl go from looking like babies to looking like kids?

    I've still got a few sketches my mom did of me when I was little and I treasure them - she'll love these, too.

  10. I love the one of her sleeping, it is so sweet.

    Some of my favorite possessions are sketches my dad made of me when I was a kid. A couple of years ago I asked him to give them to me so I could display them. I now have some that he did of my children up on the walls too. I love that it was my dad that drew them.

    She's a lucky girl.
