Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It’s Hard To Believe She’s 15 Months Today

And time seems to be going by pretty quick.

I use to roll my eyes at parents who use to tell my wife and I, when we just came home with our daughter, things like “Why can’t they stay this little forever”, “This time goes by REAL fast, savor it”, “It’s the best right now, because they sleep and can’t move”.
You know what? My daughter is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen (even enough for me to even use the word “cute” which was not part of my vocabulary pre-dad), but I didn’t enjoy it that much. I didn’t enjoy the continuous sleeping; feeding that only the wife could do (‘cause of the boob-thing), holding her like she was delicate plutonium. From a Mother’s point-of-view it’s great, from a Dad’s, you kind of sterilize things, changes diapers, and dream of the days when she can run around, play and laugh at silly things. The early infant stage - it wasn’t fun. The fun part happens when they start reacting to things, walk/run, and play, learn words, and do really weird stuff. All of that has just kicked into high gear, and it’s really cool-

A few things that I find odd and very entertaining now:

-My daughter just discovered I have hair on my legs and arms and now tries to pull it. And it hurts, a lot. She then grabs her stuffed animals and does it to them, but they don’t yelp nearly as loud.

-After she drinks a bottle of Milk she acts a little intoxicated, like she’s just downed a bottle of Vodka. She lies down, moans and slaps the belly all while licking her Milk moustache and grabbing her tongue. When she does this, I want to dress her as a pirate.

-You can point at nearly anything and say it’s name and she’ll parrot it. For instance “Dog”, she’ll call it “Dawww”. Or “Light” is “Lieeeeee”, or “Barry White” is “Bebebebebe-fffff”.

-She likes to move the furniture around (chairs, barstools, her high chair), even at restaurants.

-Anytime you say, “dance”, she’ll stop what she’s doing and does this Bill Cosby/Elaine (from Seinfeld) dance combo. Sometimes she’ll even toss in sound effects.

-She makes piles of toys and stuffed animals which takes about 5-10 minutes and then when she’s done she’ll sit on it and look around. I’ve noticed the last few times she’ll actually poop.

All of that sterilizing, changing diapers, waiting on the sidelines, etc. was worth the wait.


  1. "She makes piles of toys....she'll actually poop."
    My son prefers the side of the bookcase where he can poke his head out and watch you...but you can't watch him. It's hilarious. I already know when I see him walking toward the bookcase that I have to get the diapees and wipees!
    This is a wonderful time. As my son turns two next month I yearn for the little baby I had, but am fascinated by the little man he is becoming. I'm stuck in limbo here.

  2. It is so true that time just goes by so quickly.

    My small boy (only 5 months) pulls my beard hair, and that hurts. My 3 year old just discovered my Adam's Apple (actually I taught him about it). It is so funny to have him put his hand on my throat and then I swallow.

    It's the small things in life that bring great joy.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Happy 15 Month Birthday to her!

    And who is she imitating with her drunk, belly-slapping routine? Hmmmm...

  4. I am loving this age.

  5. I enjoy my kids as toddlers. They're much more user-friendly. I didn't like the baby stage at all because I never knew why they were crying all the time.

  6. 15 months is a great age. Pre-tantrum, post-personality. It's awesome. And this is classic: "When she does this, I want to dress her as a pirate." Great image!

  7. My son used to hide in the pantry to do his business. When I would open the door and ask him what he was doing he would look up and say "Pwivate!" and shut the door.

    Now, eight years later, he has no qualms about doing his business with the bathroom door wide open and do you think I can get the boy to flush the damn toilet?

    Yah, 15 months rocked...

  8. t, so funny. it seems we have a default open-door bathroom policy in our home as well. even if we close the door, they come in for a chat. and if you lock the door, they knock. it's a no-win.

    tony, your daughter is adorable and she already has quite the personality from the stories you shared. relish every minute. suddenly you turn around and they're all big. hope you had a happy celebration day!

  9. That is such a fun age! I remember my husband wasn't crazy about the whole newborn part either. He couldn't feed them, they wanted me more than him, but once they got older, he is having a great time with them! Careful! This is why I have 4 kids....

  10. I just thought about it: maybe she just doesn't like the toys you guys have for her...?
    She may be making a statement! LOL!

  11. Diana - you may be right about the toy thing? I keep thinking of that Poop-On dog from Conan O Brian, when he's says "good for me to poop on". Maybe she saw that once.

    radioactive girl - your husband might be having a great time doing something else too...

    T. - that's too funny! I wonder if he reads the labels on cans like if they were magazines. That would be cool!

    Diana - I never thougt of that? Maybe I should put a pile a toys around a toddler potty...that would work, right?

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Happy 15th-month birthday to the little one. It just keeps getting better and better. enjoy!

  13. Anonymous12:33 PM

    My daughter was a 'gatherer' too. That's what I called her. She'd cram as many books into a bag as she could and pile stuff up too. 15 months is such a great time. Enjoy it!

  14. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Mmmmm....Milk vodka.

    I'd drink it.

  15. It's worth all that sterilizing just for the pile of toys/poop thing!

  16. man, we are not there yet but wait until the little girl starts developing those boob things...

    Come to think of it, male pattern baldness must start with daughters growing older...

  17. dennis - I'm not sure about baldness, my gray hair kicked in when I first heard "you're having a girl!"

  18. I think it's so funny how toddlers often "dance" on command. Can you imagine if adults responded the same way? I'm going to start throwing "dance" commands around with the older set and see what happens. Wish me luck!

  19. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Hey! She's exactly half the age of my little one. Very cool. It's been so much fun (that L.A. Mommy is looking to start Round 2 very soon...)

  20. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I think its killer that she knows who Barry White is... how does she say "Walrus of Love"???
