Monday, October 09, 2006

How Does A Guy Compliment Another Guy On Loosing Weight?

The short answer: he doesn't.

There's this guy at work that has had a spare tire ever since I've known him. Well, it's actually more like a Tractor Tire (one of those big tractors that moves large hills). The guy had the worse eating habits I've seen in a long time (habits that I didn't even come close to in H.S. or college), everything he ate was either deep fried or can sit on a shelf for about 40 years and still be preserved inside a ship wreck. But in the last few months he's been snacking on nothing but fruit, nuts (sticks, rocks, leaves...) and salads. I have to admit, that takes some discipline and it's working.

So this morning some women at work were all standing out in the hall talking about how impressive it is that he's done this, they then followed it up with compliments to him and then they asked me if I've noticed. My short answer was "yeah" but keeping within the "guy code of honor", I was following the centuries old tradition by not saying anything about it. Seriously, there's nothing more strange than two guys sitting around talking about how big their butts and thighs look. It just doesn't happen. When guys compliment each other it's more like "Hey Dude, I bet you can outrun a bull if it were chasing you after you took its Pork Grinds" or something like that. In guy language that means "Hey, you've lost weight, so now the Hooters waitresses will probably refill your drink without asking".


  1. Yeah, it's a tough road to hoe. Best to take the high road and ignore it.

    (look at that; I managed to work in two idioms!)

  2. Funny, I read your title and instantly said to myself "He DOESN'T" and then saw you already knew that...
    Good to know I'm still current on my 'guy code'...I used to be 'one of the guys' before I got married...

  3. I think I am glad I'm not a guy. It would be pretty hard to learn all the rules!

  4. Is this guy single? Because if the women noticed he did lose weight, that's probably exactly what he's looking for, He probably doesn't care if YOU notice!

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh thank goodness! We were going to have to take points off your man-card! I should have know you were aware of the protocol.

  6. So you're saying that guys do notice when other guys lose weight, even when they don't say it? If so, does that also mean that guys notice when when the dishes are dirty and the trash is full, or do they not notice? ;)

  7. Laughing my ass off trying to imagine my hubs complimenting another guy on, well, anything.

    I love it!

  8. in all of my experience, i think the only things guys can compliment one another on are the length and tone of burps and farts and the size of a TV screen. everything else is off limits.

  9. chanchow - no, those things are never noticed. Unless a naked woman is standing nearby. And then maybe.

    Diana - I'm not sure who gave you the code book, but that can be very dangerous.

    Waya -Colt 45, KFC bucket, AND pork that's heaven!

    dadinprogress - yikes man! Where are you hanging out?
