Friday, October 06, 2006

Unique Toddler Costume Ideas That Will Make The Other Kids (Parents) Envious

Since I was asked, why not. I’m not writing about Dora, Disney Princess, Power Ranger or stuff like that - those aren’t very exciting. I’m throwing out ideas that will make a statement to the world! Or at least to the neighbors…

Alf- Toddlers and Alf are about the same size. How cool would it be to teach a kid to say “Yo, Willie!” or “HA!” in Alf’s signature alien Melmakian voice. They can even get into the role while “Trick or Treating” by asking for dryer lint and tossing in the family cat instead of Chocolate and Gum.

Tattoo from Fantasy Island
– I think it’s funny when little kids are dressed as adults. But if they’re dressed like Tattoo, wow! That would be really something. People will probably mistake them for the real guy. Even better, have Dad (or Mom) dress like Mr. Rourke and instead of saying “Trick or Treat” announce, “Smiles Everyone, Smiles!”.

Chewbacca – If I have a boy on kid #2. He’s going to be Chewbacca and I’ll teach him how to growl after ringing the doorbell real loud.

Gollum from Lord of the Rings – And when people toss candy into the kids’ bag, teach them to look in it immediately and say “My Precious” in a sinister voice.

1970’s Jumpsuit Elvis – With the porkchop sideburns, sunglasses and the cape. And when people give candy teach them the shotgun finger routine and have them say something like “Thank Ya’ very much”, or “I like your Cadillac”. (This is my future son’s 2nd Halloween Costume)

If anybody else has any ideas, jot them on your own blog or leave a comment.


  1. Re Gollum from LOTR: When our skinny five-year-old is writhing around after bath avoiding pajamas, he totaly looks like Gollum. I don't think I should really take him trick-or-treating like that though. Darn.

  2. enjoy being able to dress youe babe however you want, because someday, after years of having the coolest handmade costumes of any kid in class, your child will want some ugly, unoriginal, flamable, mass produced piece of crap. and it will break your heart. you know, hypothetically speaking, of course. not that i'd know from experience or anything *sob*

  3. How about Dr. Evil and Mini-Me?

    Sonny and Cher? (the adult as Cher, of course)

    Crockett and Tubbs? (The recent movie may have ruined that one)

    Charlie Brown and Snoopy?

    Okay, I got more but the material my be considered a little to 'blue'

  4. How about the Swedish Chef from Sesame Street. horjee porjee put the chicken in the pot

  5. My daughter was Joseph (from Joseph and the Amazing technicolor dreamcoat). I made the coat. Very cool and totally her idea. My son was elvis a few years ago. I also had to make that costume because at that time no one sold them. This year? Storebought scooby doo, daphne, some stupid vampire coffin girl and "roy" from a video game. It isn't as much fun when they pick their own costumes and choose boring ones!

  6. That's it! My kid is totally going to be Alf this year. I'll get a stuffed Fluffy and off we go. I was always told I looked very similar to the daughter in that show.

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I love the Elvis idea.. especially 'cause I think twin Elivis(es?) would be adorable!

  8. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Love the ideas from the person who left suggestions for the two person costume themes!

    Our (then) four and six year old boys were Tom & Jerry last year for Halloween. Their idea. Home made costumes. Neighbors, on a street with a wide variety of ages and backgrounds, were impressed that our kids knew Tom & Jerry in the first place.

    This year, the now-five-year-old wants to be Wallace from "Wallace & Gromit."

  9. Well, it would be an interesting sociological experiment to dress a kid up as Osama Bin Laden, just to record people's reactions. I would never do this for many reasons, but the thought of it is intriguing on a social level as an experiment, but it would really just be offensive and that's the bottom line. Could you imagine people getting pissed and refusing to give candy? It could get messy.

    And while we are on the subject, let's give a thumbs down for Hitler, Satan, Sadaam, an S & M costume, or anything kinky. Do French Maid costumes count there?

    I dig the Elvis idea.

    This may not sound very original, but Wolverine (from X-Men) would make a pretty cool costume for a boy. The sideburns, funky hair, claws, etc... that would be cool.

  10. What about Charlie McCarthy? (Or Howdy Doody, for that matter) You know, since you'll prolly end up carrying the short person for at least half the trip anyway...

  11. I think Cakes will make a great Elvis. Good idea!

  12. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Don't forget the Ewoks! gh. They're always good for an ooh and aah!

  13. I vote for Alf, and Gollum.

    But Elvis runs a close third...
