Tuesday, October 24, 2006

When The Wife Overrides The Husbands Ideas For Their Toddler's Halloween Costume

So I lost the battle again this year. No Colonel Sanders, Chicken Suit & Bucket, Midget Sumo Wrestler, Gary Coleman (1983), Tattoo (from Fantasy Island), Pink Ninja (with evil bunny belt), or Accordion Monkey with a bag of pork grinds. No, not this year because my wife decided no daughter of hers was going to be any of those. She's a Fairy instead (not an evil one, punk rock one, fireworks one, or even Norwegian one) - just a Fairy (a really cute one though). I guess I can live with it. But next year, when she's talking more, she'll be asking for the Mr. T. costume - I can guarantee it!

We had some pictures taken of her in our neighborhood by a 'pro' photographer friend over the weekend. When you look at these, think of the costumes that could have been (I know I do...)-


  1. Beautiful pictures!

    I like your costume ideas better.

  2. She's one adorable fairy, but your ideas (Tatoo?!Accordion monkey?!!) would have scored you some major candy. There's always next year.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Oh my, what a gorgeous baby!

  4. She is so beautiful! As soon as she learns to talk she will be telling you what she wants to be. I think the wife always wins the costume debate when they can't yet tell you what they want to be.

  5. I think she would have been a wonderful midget sumo wrestler.

    But with those pretty eyes, I can see why the wife would want her to sparkle like a fairy.

    She's vey adorable.

    Can't wait for Mr.T next year though.

  6. Those are awesome. I have to say, her costume is pretty perfect.

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Wow. Wowie wow. That first pic is just priceless!
    And I like the costume, although I am partial to little green fairies. :)

  8. She makes an awful cute fairy...and that last photo is gorgeous!
    Mr. T next year? Yeah, let's see how that holds up...

  9. Pretty cute, though... It's too cold for stuff like that here - then they just have to cover it up with a coat, so it's contractor time this year. Overalls, hard hat, tool belt with tools. She loves the tools anyhow, so should be easy to get on and stay on.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I think the accordion monkey would be a fantastic costume. College money! Thinking ahead you are...

  11. Thank God your wife is around to protect that child. Next thing you know you'll have her dressing like the Thai Elvis impersonator on Hollywood Blvd.!

  12. awesome pics, tony. she'd look great with a mohawk!

    yes, it's best to just give in to the disney princess effect. while in the world of all things disney this past summer, we were bamboozled into not one, but two princess jasmine costumes, complete with point elfin shoes and wigs to match. we couldn't convince them that one should be jasmine and one should be some other disney babe. so we have two. and guess what they're going to be? yes, we have one little mermaid (she got it for her birthday) and one minnie mouse (another disney world snookering).

    ah, for the love of our precious little girls.

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Dude...I LOVE your costume ideas. Might have to crib some of those. The Tattoo one is f*cking brilliant.

    And need I say how ridiculously adorable she looks! Too cute.

  14. Beautiful pictures!

    How's this for a compromise-- she can be a fairy for the pictures, but the colonel for the actual trick-or-treating? Is it too late to renegotiate?

  15. It sucks being the husband and having all your great ideas veoted by the wife. The Accordian Monkey costume was genius!

    But she does make a very cute fairy.

  16. chanchow - sadly no. I even had the colonel line picked out for her - I wanted her to say "trick or chicken" then hold up the bucket.

  17. Wow. I must have blinked... she's totally growing up! Amazing!

    She's so beautiful. I really like your costume ideas, but it's hard to imagine her being any cuter in that fairy costume. Really.
