Sunday, November 05, 2006

KidSpace Museum, Our HGTV Appearance, And Doogie Houser’s Neil Patrick Harris - All Walk Into A Bar…

We finally got to visit Kidspace Museum in Pasadena on Saturday. Our last visit was a huge setback since it was closed due to a football game (not a big fan of football even more now.) The place was smaller than expected but had a lot of interesting play stuff for kids a little order than our 16-month old. The only thing they had for kids her age was a Gymboree style playroom, which we sat in for nearly an hour while my daughter ran around with a toy-shopping cart (who knew shopping carts could be so much fun?) Until a few little boys came in and started taking stuff and knocking the kids over like a motorcycle gang from Van Nuys. I spent about 20 minutes keeping them away from my jewel and her shopping cart fun, until they left for their “feeding” of raw meat and Coors Light. It really made me realize the HUGE difference between boys and girls around this age. It’s almost scary.
Most of the time I lounged in a corner sketching kids in my sketchbook while parents were all raving about how smart geniuses their kids are (welcome to Pasadena). When they looked at me, I told them my daughter could blow really huge snot bubbles in the shape of Masai giraffes.
I’m sure we’ll go back in a year or two when we don’t have to sit in the “Early Childhood Development” room.

Today, we saw a house nearby that’s going to be on that HGTV show “Designed to Sell”. It was the big open house ‘reveal’ were the public gets to see the place all fixed up and they film visitors walking in and out with reactions like “Oh! Wow!” “I like the wainscoting!”” Look! Even Grandma has a place to sleep!” When we got there they immediately made us fill out an appearance waiver and then they filmed my wife, daughter and I walking up (I’ll let everybody know when that episode airs) The house did look pretty good inside, but you can tell most of the work was quick cosmetic fixes - uneven paint jobs, fabric draped over things concealing junk, mirrors and large furniture everywhere to make the place feel and look bigger – I think we’ve watched the show enough to know “the magician’s secrets”, even though it looked good. My wife and I still love the HGTV. And the English host dude is TALL and big. I bet he could blow really big snot bubbles (in the shape of furniture.)

By the way – with all this talk I’ve been doing of Doogie Houser - did anybody see the news yesterday about Doogie Houser’s Neil Patrick Harris ‘coming out’? Seriously, I wouldn’t have guessed. Anyhow, I thought this article was funny announcing "Doogie gay, but not Canadian".


  1. Dude, we went to Austin's "children's museum" this weekend, and found the same thing. Little-E liked seeing all the other kids, but the "learning toys" they had to play with were...I hate to admit (because I'm a geek who thinks learning should be cool) were lame.

    Plus, little boys can be dicks.

  2. Hey, I have two little boys! Can they be excluded from the boy bashing? Mine are very sweet little guys who I have probably made to be the least boyish they can be. My husband isn't crazy about that, but someday their wives will thank me.

  3. HGTV rocks. I really like If These Walls Could Talk. I also like the show where they tell you what $300,000 can buy you in, like, Iowa City (a mansion!). My house needs some major landscaping help, so I'm hoping to somehow get on Landscapers Challenge.

    Definitely let your blogofans know when the episode airs! Did you see the house before the renovations? I think some of the visitors say things like "oh, it looks so much nicer than before."

  4. masai giraffe snot bubbles and they did not congratulate you??


    did you just manage to promote your appearance on and diss the HGTV show in the same breath?

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm thinking that those little kid rooms at kid-friendly museums are more valuable in places where it is rainy or cold all winter. The science museum up here (Portland, Or) is great in the winter when the short ones want to run around and touch things and build... It is closed on mondays and for some reason that is the day the weather is least accomodating to outside play.

  6. radioactive girl - Yes, you have a "get out of jail free" card. This time. :)

    I should probably clarify it wasn't every boy - just these two. But I'm sure it's because their parents were freaks.

    Waya - You know, now thinking about it - he may have had a stunt double in those scenes. (I'll have to watch the movie again)

  7. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I actually read that Doogie article right after I read your post about his party! I would never have guessed either. I had a huge Doogie crush when I was in jr. high. *sigh*

    I sent in an application to be on an HGTV show. Haven't heard back. Don't know how long it takes...or whether I should give up hoping.

  8. It's true, it's not politically correct to say it, but there is a difference between boys and girls - having taught daycare myself, I've certainly seen it. It's not without exception, of course, parents certainly can work on teaching their children self-control, but they are still in pretty raw form in the toddler years, so it really shows!

    And yeah, I was a tiny smidge dismayed at the news that the Doog is gay... He's awfully cute. Sort of like when I saw Duran Duran in concert and discovered how badly Simon has aged. Ah well, not like I really lost out on a chance I had or anything!

  9. Those "little boys" sound just like my niece - a total hellion.

  10. I've always wondered about how sloppy those quick renovation/redecorating jobs are in real life - thanks for validating my suspicions. They (usually) look great on TV, though.

    And Doogie? Dr. Howser? Are you sure this isn't some ploy to secure more acting gigs?

  11. awesome. my wife and i are hgtv junkies too. that designed to sell show has always been a bit dubious for us -- you can see how sloppy they are in the close-up shots of the aftermath -- paint drips and smudges on the ceiling, etc. but i guess when you're starting from crap you can't get worse. let us know when you're on so we can grab a bucket of KFC in your honor and tune in!

  12. Ha! I always suspected they did slightly sloppy quick fixes on that show! I'm feeling very smug now. (Even though I'll still keep watching, too.)

  13. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Yes. Never would have guessed ... not. at. all.

  14. You didn't know???? You obviously never asked us.

  15. I'll tell you all one thing, that Doog is a pretty good actor. He was very convincing in 'Harold and Kumar'.
