Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It’s HOT On Election Day

Can you believe it's 95 degrees today out here!? (I think that’s around 418 degrees for those of you using Celsius) On the way to work at 8:30 a.m. it was already 85. This time of year is usually in the 70’s. I’m blaming the Republicans (they control the weather too)

Before coming into work we stopped and voted at the nearby elementary school – it was pretty empty inside at the library’s polling place. I counted 3 other people besides my wife and I voting - even though there were loads of parents dropping off their kids to school. I wondered why not just get out of the car for 5 minutes and vote? With all this talk about voting and ‘spreading democracy’ it’s pretty distressing to see so many here uninvolved. Is this strictly an 'L.A. thing' or does this happen where you live?
On the other hand, they probably haven’t read any of the measures, propositions, or even know who 90% the candidates are. So maybe it was a good thing they didn’t go inside. Not voting bothers me, but uninformed voting bothers me even more.

When I went to the gym tonight, most of the T.V.'s were tuned into "Dancing with the Stars" with all ‘them youngin’s’ watching (primarily 20-somethings) and along one lonely wall was CNN with a few older folks watching. I joined them and asked, "What's the score?"...you know, like watching a Football game. After saying that, I was feeling pretty good, like to the point of smashing a beer can on my forehead. I've never actually 'watched' a Football game so that was my closest attempt at it. I should have brought some Bud Light and Dorritos. Maybe in 2008 – that one might go into ‘overtime’.

Yup, changing the car's oil really changes a man.


  1. Do you think after a few more oil changes you might *gasp* start to like sports too?

  2. Here on one of the local stations a news anchor broke in between shows to give an update on the results. The woman actually said "Don't worry, Dancing with the Stars is going to start in about 3 minutes so you won't miss anything." (loosely quoted). I think I detected a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  3. 35 degrees Celcius. Which is too damn hot for my arctic-loving blood.

    Glad you got out and voted. And my hubs and I do break out the Doritos (and Cheetos, you need Cheetos) to watch the count.

    Better than football any day.

    But we are keeners like that.

  4. waya - Yup! And showering with motor oil...

    radioactive girl - now, that's 'crazy' talk

    Mrs. Chicky - How funny! I bet you could hear the neighbors sighing after that

    T. - Yum...Cheetos! Porkless Cheesy Pork Grinds. I forget about my love of those.

  5. Don't forget the Cheez Wiz!

    can't have chips and beer without the Cheez Wiz

    however 1 or 2 more oil changes will get you there...

  6. Bud Lite is the only way to watch politics, dude.

    It's the only thing that could possibly make sense of it.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Not voting bothers me, but uninformed voting bothers me even more.

    In one town in our state, they discovered the names on the ballots in that district were actually the names of candidates in another district. So they had to get new ballots. What's wrong with this picture? They didn't 'discover' this little problem till the polls had been open for over an hour!!! Folks were voting for candidates they didn't even know...and didn't even notice!

  8. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Yeah. And what bugged me even more was the people that voted at my daughter's school. I was picking her up from after-care, and the signs clearly said "This is not a voting entrance. Go to side entrance to vote in gym." And yet they were still trying to get in the front door, talking on their cell phones, and giving me dirty looks when I wouldn't let them in behind me. I judged them to be too stupid to vote and I wanted to take their voter cards away...

  9. i'm so glad the voting is over. if i saw one more tv ad or lawn placard i think i was seriously going to have a nutty. but i'm even more glad for that rockin pic of annette funicello (sp).

  10. I didn't watch anything. I looked on the Internet for local updates but couldn't find any. So, I went to bed.

    However, in this morning's newspaper, in the size of font usually reserved for quoting declaration of war, it said "POWER SHIFT!!!"

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Fine post...but mostly my mind just trailed off wishing it were 95 degrees here. I'd vote for that over our 50 and rainy...but I didn't see Heat Miser on the ticket yesterday.

  12. I'm glad it's over. Now you either hear people crying in the halls, or having parties.

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I'm in the party camp!
