Sunday, November 26, 2006

Who’s That Guy Singing Along At A Lionel Richie Concert?!

What chou’ talkin’ bout’ ? It wasn’t me (…well, maybe…)

So Friday was the big day. The wife got her ultimate, dream birthday gift – orchestra seats to Lionel Richie. She claims it was the second happiest day of her life (#1 being our wedding day - but the look on her face made me a little suspicious…) Just before Lionel walked on stage, I think every single woman was ready to toss her underwear (including this weird squealing guy sitting behind us.) He opened with the ultimate “cheese” song “Hello” and ended 2 hours later on a 9-minute rendition of “All Night Long” (complete with a 2-minute drum and guitar solo – don’t ask). Somewhere in that 2 hours he sat at the piano and sang some “strangely familiar to me” songs (“My Love” and “Say You, Say Me”), which reminded of this weird girl who made a few tapes for me back in H.S. (I attracted the odd ones back then.)
After my apprehension about going, I must admit, I had fun. Seeing how extremely happy my wife was made me happy. And I shocked myself a little, I actually knew more songs than I thought I knew. I remember my grandma and parents having the “adult contemporary” radio station on in the car growing up - you know that one station that played Hall and Oates and Captain and Tennille (at least that’s my excuse.)

Shopping At The Mall?

Did anybody venture out? We did on Saturday and it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was made out to be. We were down in Orange County and ended up at South Coast Plaza – which is a huge freakin’ mall! We were there for about 3 hours and managed only to get 3 gifts. We should have just bought everybody Lionel Richie Fan Club T-Shirts at the concert. I wish I had thought of that earlier.


  1. Now I'm embarassed... Each song title you listed had me mentally singing along. And with "Say You Say Me" I was even picturing Mikhail Barishkinov and Gregory Hines dancing around in that movie White Nights.

    I have no idea why I know so many Lionel Richie songs... I grew up listening to KROQ exclusively. Maybe it was MTV... Richie's videos were played all the time in the mid-80's. Oh no, now my brain is stuck on "Dancing On The Ceiling"!

    South Coast Plaza... That brings back memories. My mom always took us to this soup place there called Salmagundi's. Bet it's long gone by now.

  2. Hehehe, closeted Lionel Richie fan! If you got as much action (wink;wink)after the concert as you did the night of your wedding, then maybe, just maybe she had more fun at the concert....LOL!

  3. I hate shopping in the first place, so there is no way I was going to go over the weekend! Glad you had fun at the concert. I hate football and always manage to find it fun to watch when I watch with my son. I love watching him be so excited about it, so I get what you mean about watching your wife watch the concert. It was so nice of you to do something so special for your wife.

  4. mrsmogul - Yikes!! That explains why the whole band (and backup singers) were all dudes!
    But I can see that about Lionel. He's got that Billy-Dee charm going on and he sings too.
    (HALL And OATES - ha!)

    Diana - that explains it...

    Phil - I too was a KROQ and early on Mighty 690 fan, somehow this stuff still got in my head too. BTW- yes great 80's video

  5. I'm a Lionel geek and I admit it. I used to prance around to his music and drive my country music loving parents crazy...

    Now, it's my kids driving me batty and I can officially say they didn't get their ears from me.

    Must be from the grandparents...

  6. 2 hours..?

    Dude he had to do some of the Commodores, right?

  7. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I wasn't going to read your post. I told myself, "Don't you do it! Don't you dare!" But I did. And it happened. And now, thanks to you, I have those songs stuck in my head.

    It's just not fair. I was that part of my brain-space back... There really should be a company that Eternally Sunshines my Spotless Mind and erases my memory of every annoying song. Goodbye Barry Manilow! Goodbye Air Supply! Goodbye Lionel! Hahahahaha!

    Painkillers are lovely.

  8. Lionel Richie rocks. My parents bought me the "Can't Slow Down" album (I still have it). It had one of those fold-out album covers (neat-o!). My friends and I used to make up dances to Hello, although not sure how we managed that since it's such a slow song. We also pranced around to other stuff like Cyndi Lauper and Olivia Newton-John. Classic!!!

  9. For your holiday Lionel Richie listening, I just saw on a commercial that he'll be performing at the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center on Wednesday night.

    Set your TiVo's, people. But I'm not sure that you west coasters get the full two-hour show that's on WNBC from NY.

  10. dennis - yup! "Brick house"

    L. A. Daddy - happy to help the recovery process

    chanchow - Lionel, Cyndi, and Olilvia..?! My wife will like you.

    Clare's Dad - Yes!! We just saw that listed today. We'll be watching

  11. Okay, now I have "All Night Long" stuck in my head. Gah. (I didn't know Lionel Richie was still doing concerts!)

    We went to a mall on Black Friday and I was shocked that it wasn't more crowded. It was almost enjoyable.

  12. Hey, CTD, once again the internet has come to the rescue for all your Christmas gift needs!

    Again, I can't read the dang word verification.

  13. Anonymous8:24 PM

    It takes a special man to sit through that for his wife. Kudos to you.

  14. sarah - The Christmas shopping is going to be easy this year (easy like Sunday morning)
