Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pregnant Women And Men Who Do ‘Pretty Good’ Manicures and Pedicures

I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker who is 37 weeks pregnant with her first kid (I personally think she’s going to give birth to a 4 year-old – this womans belly freakin’ huge!) She’s in the countdown phase right now; she only has a few days left of work and then it’s off to maternity leave. Something about pregnant women: they just love to talk about gross intimidate pregnancy details with fellow parents (dads included) about 'the boobs', marshmallow feet, pains in weird places, etc… they would never say stuff like this to non-parents. But I don’t mind, it’s funny to me. I’m a veteran of it all.

Anyway like any conversation people have with me, I get easily sidetracked:

PregMom: …the guy who does my nails told me….

Me: what? ‘the guy’ - a guy does your nails?

PregMom: …yes, so anyway, he was telling me that when his wife was pregnant…

Me: Hold on - he’s married, has a kid, and he does nails?

PregMom: Yes, and really good pedicures too! He’s the best in the shop.

Me: I’ve never heard of that. I wonder what his wife thinks about that?

PregMom: She really likes it, she get her nails done all the time. And he makes a lot of money.

Me: I bet he tells ‘the guys’ he paints houses, or Ferrari’s – ya’ know “Man Jobs”. I couldn’t do that for any amount of money. Unless, of course, I wore a mask and a cape, and had a Darth Vader voice changer box to hide my identity. Then it could be possible - but I would have to make a whole lot of money.

(Silence and blank stare)

PregMom: I’m feeling pretty sorry for your wife and daughter right now.

Moms? Is there such a thing? I’ve never heard of this. My only knowledge of this is (1) from my wife who goes to a spa once in awhile - but she would feel a little weird if a straight guy were working on here nails or feet. (2) My one straight pal who gets his man-manicure down at the Peaches and Cream (but he'll never reveal his secret of soft hands.)


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

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  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    OMG. I gotta say, I've NEVER heard of a straight guy that gave manicures and pedicures for a living. NO OFFENSE OUT THERE! And I LOVED your response to her. "Luke, I am your pedicurist. (Breathe in, breathe out)" LOL Poor girl. I'm shaking my head over here!! (And I really need a manicure, so drop me this guys #! Thanks! LOL)

  3. Hmmm... a man that I can pay to touch my feet. Oh yah I'd pay for that. A Whole Lot of Money!

  4. sounds like it's not just a manicure 'guy' - maybe he's one of those glue on the nails, acrylic NAILOLOGISTS.

    I kid you not.

    My second husband's first wife (it's not as bad as it sounds) was a nailologist. And a prize bitch, but for that I can forgive her.

    And NO. Nailologist is NOT a straight man's job.

    End of story.

  5. I never thought about it before, but I have never had a manicure or a pedicure by a guy (gay or straight). I just sort of assumed it was just mostly women.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Three things that are completely make-believe: the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, and a straight guy who gives manicures.

  7. That's funny about the preggo woman. I don't think I've ever tell another man (a father) all my pregnancy woes. If you visit any of the Vietnamese nail salons, you'll see that men do work there too, and I think they are straight. I did the double take the first time I saw that, but it's not that weird now.

  8. Yeah, my husband works in a warehouse for car stuff, can't get more manly than that in his eyes. I've seen the Korean men doing nails and feet, but that's about it.

  9. Diana/Betty - Actually she did say these guys were possibly Vietnamese (that still doesn't make it right)

    Bec of the Ladies Lounge - nailologist? How funny!

  10. I'm not metro enough to even contemplate the validity of that man's claim to straightness.

    Maybe if he was a fundie preacher from CO. Then it's most definitely true.

  11. I had a guy do my manicure the last two times I went to the nail salon. I was pretty weirded out at first. Both times they were Vietnamese and were straight (one of them talked about his girlfriend). The Vietnamese are big into the nail business, so I guess it's a viable job option for guys. One of the guys said that he was going to college and this was his part-time job. I will say that although I was comfortable with them doing my hands, I wouldn't want them doing my feet. Particularly if I was wearing a skirt.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Yes, married straight men, can occasionally do nails AND feet.. though I wouldn't let one near either my hands OR feet unless he was a gorgeous, silent, gentle 20-something who I could ogle the whole time.

  13. My favorite nail salon is run by almost ALL men, I have no idea if they are straight or not though. They are all Korean and I think all related. The older man, who seems to be the head of the family (so probably he must be straight then..?) gives the best manicures I have EVER had.

  14. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I've actually had quite a few spa services from men. Around here the majority of nail salons in your average strip mall are all run by Asians. And I find that the men usually give the better service. There was only one that I KNEW was not straight. All the others I'm pretty sure were hetero.

  15. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Never heard of a MANicurist. Although I did have a hefty woman once with a pretty good sized beard.

    But I'm betting your Darth Vadarcurist would be a huge hit

  16. Anonymous3:32 AM

    "Man jobs" Hee! sounds kinky.

    I'm not big on the whole manicure thing myself but I've never seen a guy doing nails. But I bet he makes big bucks. Who wouldn't want a straight guy to hold your hand and talk to you for 30 minutes and not demand sex immediately afterward.

  17. Damn! Here I have ceased to go to barber shops because ...

    well let's just say that the beauty salons (ie hair style places) are more abundant. I go to one and find two straight men doing the hair.

    I sometimes feel I walked into a time warp.

    Straight men still do hair?

    Not in barber shops?

    But doing nails?

    You are in California right?

    (can you see the mid-west predjudice coming through here?)

    speaking of which, I gotta find someplace to get a manicure. wife.imp's got an office christmas party coming up soon...

    perhaps I can find one with a big,hairy bike-gang member on staff...

  18. I'm okay with a strange woman touching my feet, but a strange man? Nah, I'll pass.

    Now my hair, that's a different story.

  19. dennis - if a big,hairy bike-gang member did nails - I'd pay to see that (but not get a MANicure)

    Jenny - How funny! Straight men of the world need to stop this if what you're saying could be true...

  20. I had my nails done this summer, for the first and last time, ever, because of a wedding.

    It was a dude.

    It was weird.

    And afterwards, I felt a little dirty, like I cheated on the hubs...

    Of course, he loved the nails...

  21. If being a MANicurist isn't manly, then what do you think of SAHDs?

    Actually, that's not really fair; I can't imagine a straight guy doing nails.

    Unless it involves words like 10-penny and gun.

  22. I don't get manicures, so... yeah.

  23. Actually, that's how I met my husband. He was buffing the callouses on my feet and...

    Kidding. It takes a special (not that there's anything wrong with that) kind-o-man to sit for hours talking jibberish with ladies while inhaling toluene fumes. I've never had a MANicurist, however.

  24. As an east coast metro kind of guy I'm even a little perplexed by this. I can see the attraction if the money is good...but I think the Vader mask would make it feel even dirtier.

    I wonder if guys who get manicures ever have a guy do it...that would be a weird heterosexual experience.

  25. Anonymous9:48 PM

    a little off topic but i had a gift certificate leg massage once by a female (me being female)... after a while it got me a little aroused... how could it not? It's so damn yummy! So i think I'll skip them massages from now on... way too disconcerting *grin*

  26. I live in the Greater L.A. area too, think South Bay-ish. The only guys I see in the mani/pedi shops around here are running the joint. It seems the only thing they're adding a second shiny coat to are their egos. Nice links to modern kid gear. My super modern, ultra hip sister in law who only dresses her kids in the latest designer duds would eat her heart out. Nice to stumble upon your blog tonight.

  27. Clare's Dad - I don't know if a straight man could do another straight man's nails....there's just something very wrong about that.

    aalize - too funny! leg massage, really?
