Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Predictions (Not Resolutions) For 2007

No, these aren’t “resolutions”, they're more like “prophecies”, Ya’ know, since I’m bad like that.

*Finish Christmas shopping before Christmas. Would you believe we haven’t finished from last year? Unless you’re one of our friends (or possible relatives) reading this who we haven’t seen yet, then yeah, we got your gift weeks ago.

*I will learn to speak French (again). Before going to Japan my wife and I used those audio-only Pimsleur learning CD’s. They worked pretty well - natives were pretty impressed. I’m hoping to do the same thing for our trip to France in October. And it helps that the wife speaks fluent French.

*My daughter will be potty trained by the end of the year. I wish she were trained now because on some days you’d swear she eats nothing but raw meat and beans. A diaper is a real nasty thing. Actually, she’s been telling us “poo-poo” when she’s done her business or is about to seal the deal. That means something, right?

*Apple will release a “real” movie iPod. And I’ll buy the thing the day Steve Jobs announces it wearing those stupid jeans, black turtleneck, and tennis shoes (somebody’s got to tell him it’s not 1986 anymore.)

* I’ll never knowingly use the urinal next to the big boss at work ever again. That just happened this morning and well, talk about ‘stage fright’.

*I’ll stop watching Golden Girls late at night. It annoys the wife and she leaves the room. Actually, I’ll have to really think about this one - Rose and “Ma” are pretty funny. Count this as the first one to go down in flames.

*Nintendo Wii’s will be plentiful. And I’ll laugh at myself for waiting in line at Best Buy with those crazy people a few weeks ago.

What about all of you...have any 'resolutions', I mean prophecies?


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    That's all good for you, but what about Tom and Katie?

  2. I don't make resolutions, but I think mine may be to go through all my cookbooks and find at least one recipe to make. If I can't find at least one recipe in the cookbook, I will donate it.

    I also resolve not to be angry at the people that are hogging my swimming lane at the gym who are clearly there just to fulfill their resolution and will be gone by the middle of January anyway.

  3. Hey, the Wii's are already plentiful, they have the PS3 beat in sales by 2:1, of course that's because they released twice as many Wii's, but still.
    Your time will come.

  4. i will learn to play the guitar... not a resolution, more of a fact.

    Happy new years!

  5. Fact: resolutions are fads like diets.

    Fiction: Britney Spears will get custody of her children.

    Prediction: Apple will jump into the mobile phone arena.

    Speculation: you will replace your late night Golden Girls addiction with a bit of an update: perhaps Gilmore Girls.

    For certain: we will not ever have a Wii.

  6. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I'm with you on the Potty Trained prediction. It's got to happen this year or she and I will be in therapy over this for a long time...

  7. LOL...yes, when she names it "poo-poo" it means something. It means she has named her favorite activity and can now announce it to the world every time she does the deed!

  8. Golden Girls? Really? What are you, 85 years old?

  9. Mrs. Chicky - yes. Next thing you know I'll be carrying hard candy in my pockets.

    dadinprogress - my mother-in-law tried to get my wife into that show. we both thought it was a little too hokey.

  10. I think Steve Jobs fancies himself to be the Man in Black of Silicon Valley. I wonder if he has a ring of fire... Ahahaha! I crack myself up.

  11. I was hoping this would be the year that my youngest daughter stopped wiping her snot on my shoulder. Now it looks like I'll be pinning that hope on 2008.

    Ooh la la.. a trip to France. That'll be awesome.

  12. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Best of luck with your wishes... I too can't wait for a movie ipod. I'm hoping something will be announced next week during MacWorld.

    And good luck with the potty training. We've just finished our son's training but he still keeps having some accidents. The process was actually not stressful at all so I wouldn't worry much about it.

    Nice weekend


  13. something blue - you have to train her to use other people's shoulders.

    AdventeurDad - i'm hoping macworld has some cool toys. i need something to get my mind off the wii (that I can't find..)

  14. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I like to think of it as 'wishful thinking' rather than real resolutions. One of these days I might surprise myself.

    Annoucing poo-poo is the first step. DON'T depend on the 'pull ups'. They keep kids too dry. Use the thick cotton training pants around the house...the discomfort of feeling wet is important to help them get the message!

  15. InterstellarLass - thanks for the advice! I'll be asking for more...

  16. I predict that George Bush will meet with aliens, that Noah's Ark will be found, and that the world's biggest baby will be born. Just wait...I bet it's in the papers.

    Happy New Year.

  17. Damn, your prophecies are so much more bitching than mine. I'm more about self-flagellation [looking away]
