Monday, January 01, 2007

It’s Over: Christmas/New Year’s/Family Vacation. And I’m Avoiding Disney World For A Few Years

We’ve returned. Yes, there’s nothing like spending New Year’s Eve evening flying into LAX with a bunch of crazy people who smell like Frenchmen in the summertime and then driving through Wendy’s at midnight (we were freakin’ starving!) and the fast-food worker yells “Happy New Year’s” in Spanish and then asks what kind of sauce do you want with those $.99 chicken nuggets (did I mention he had 3 teeth?) It sure feels good to be back in L.A.
Oh yeah, and some famous basketball player was flying with us on the plane. I don’t know what his name was (I don’t watch sports, remember…although I did enjoy G.L.O.W. in the 80’s.)

I hope everybody survived Christmas and New Years. Overall we did have fun out at Disney World. Although it was challenging at times with 3 families and 5 kids – though the kids weren’t the ones who had all the drama - we have a controlling brother-in-law who practically needs to give bathroom permission to his wife, which was really annoying to my wife and I (he grew up in a farm in Ohio, I don’t know…maybe in 1870) and a father-in-law who brought along his new lady-friend (who’s 73 but looks not a day over 85. He's 62) and they shared the same room and bed (thankfully the kids didn’t ask questions) Oh the joys! And the weather was really weird- when we first got there it was all ‘hot and humid’ (we didn’t pack for that- so we went shopping), and then it rained like a mo-fo for a day or two (went shopping again), and then it got really cold (just what we packed for.) And just before we left, it got really nice. I’m not sure how you Florida people put up with that craziness.

Interesting things I learned:

*Never go to Disney World between Christmas and New Years. I’m not sure what we were thinking; several parks got “full” on some days (not a good thing.) Everybody said Thanksgiving is much better time or even the week before Christmas.
* Stay in a Disney hotel. Most of the time we were in a vacation rental house, the other days we stayed at Disney hotels (Wilderness Lodge and Port Orleans-Riverside) it’s easy to get around with those resort buses and the parks stay open late just for hotel guests (up to 3 a.m.) so you can actually go on rides.
*My daughter’s favorite ride? Can you believe it was walking up and down steps!? There must be something about those steps that’s better than the ones here in California.
* Really “large” (a nice way of saying ‘fat’) people in those electric scooters are annoying. I can’t tell you how many times they tried to run us over while honking with those annoying whining, hissing horns. I saw about 12 of them getting up to buy ice cream and turkey legs a few times. We don’t have nearly as many of those out here.
* I can survive without touching a computer for 10 days (I never thought that could ever happen unless I fell in a hole) Although that has some drawbacks -I didn’t know Saddam was hung, and Ford and James Brown died. So it was like being cut off from the world.
*Go to the Kennedy Space center. It was only an hour away and now I’m pretty sure that the moon landing wasn’t “faked” on a soundstage like that crazy professor in college claimed.
*That Expedition Everest ride was pretty cool.
* Stores in Orlando didn’t have Nintendo Wii’s either (yes, I checked)

Does anybody make New Year’s resolutions? I was thinking about it today, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to scream when I see the new credit card bill.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Take it from a FL native... the best time to go Disney, if you can get away, is toward the end of January. Seriously not crowded at all and the weather is usually nice. And you are 100% correct about staying at Disney. In the end it's way more convenient, even if it costs more, which it typically does.

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Funny post! Those vacations make the best memories. I'm takin my 2 kids to Disneyland here in Anaheim tomorrow. Carbon Copy of DW Magic Kingdom.

  3. OK, let me get this straight. You live, like withing walking distance (relatively speaking!) of Disneyland yet you travel a couple thousand miles to go to Disney World.

    I understand why parents are crazy after a few days in Disney World but, before?

    But then, I'm biased. Disneyland is quite thrilling enough for me. Disney World is for kids and really, really energetic adults. Who are also really, really patient. That totally counts me out.

    Glad you had a good time. :-)

  4. My mom invited me for a weekend in Disney with her new boyfriend (ack) and my sister's family (kids 2 and 4). Can you guess what my answer was?


    Happy New Year!

  5. ah...disney world at christmas time. not a chance my man. we went in august this year and it was hot as a mother but it wasn't that crowded, believe it or not. and we too we almost steamrolled by the "large" people on scooters. i don't mind it at all if it's actually warranted, but i saw my fair share of large lazy people who very well can walk but use the scooter because they're lazy and it gets them to the front of the line on every ride. the best was when we had to wait while a family of scooter riders piled into the little go karts in tomorrowland. funny that your daughter liked the steps the best -- our kids loved the pool at the hotel, so our next vacation will be to the Hartford Marriott which will be much cheaper and won't require the in-flight tolerance. glad it was memorable. and i didn't get a Wii either -- my wife tried, but she couldn't find one anywhere.

  6. Dude, you are a rockstar for even attempting such a trip. I solute you.

  7. Okay, your daughter's face in that first photo- LOVE IT! It's like she's saying "Back up , Jasmine, I'll karate chop your ass!"

    Trip to Disney-brave brave man. It actually sounded better than I would have thought. Except for the whole summertime frenchmen part...

    And Wendy's at midnight? Yummy....I haven't had that at midnight since I was preggo...

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Welcome back!

    I have a similar pic of my Sweetpea with Jasmine - I'll share it with you sometime! (Was that at Akershus? YUMMY!) And I agree about your Disney points. We have stayed at both a rented house and on site (at Port Orleans, too, actually!) and staying on site makes things easier if you are doing a lot of Disney days. 100% right about the Space Center - my son requests to go there every time we go down there.

    We have gone down there during different seasons, and I personally liked going the first week of December. It isn't TOO nutty then.

    And remind me to tell you about us losing Sweetpea near Cinderella's castle this past July. OMG.

    I'm SO glad you had a great time! But we are glad to have you back home! Happy 2007!


  9. Our Bug got a wish from the make-a-wish-foundation before he died.

    Everyone thought we would take the family to disneyland.

    They thought wrong.

    But I salute you and your wife.

    You are far better, braver parents than Boo and I!!!

    Welcome back and Happy New year!!

  10. Love the pictures of your daughter. I understand the happy feeling about being back in LA. No place like home.

  11. Welcome back. It sounds like all in all it was a great trip, even with all the weird relatives. And I know from which I speak 'cause my dad has one of those elderly, I mean, older lady friends. Fah-reeaky.

  12. Good to have you back. Glad you survived the ordeal...ahhh...vacation. You were a brave, brave man. When the credit card bill arrives, you'll be a sad, sad man.

  13. Welcome back Tony!! Don't you hate those extra large people who need the scooter to get around but yet, can walk to gorge themselves with food. Go figure!!

  14. Welcome back, Happy New Year, and all that jazz! I can't believe you survived 10 days without your computer. I had mine and still didn't get much posting done! LOL

    So, thanks for the tips for Disney World, but how about some for Disneyland? I'm planning to take the little man in Spring!

    And your question about New Year's resolutions... I don't make 'em. That way I don't feel bad when I don't actually follow through and do them!

  15. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Oh, see, I knew I liked you! Bustin' out the G.L.O.W. references! Mountain Fiiijiiii! RAWKS!

    And second, who cares about a credit card bill when you get a smile as big as that in return! Look at that face! Priceless!

  16. My husband and inlaws took the kids while I was pregnant with our fourth. They went on our anniversary, which is at the beginning of December. They told me it was totally empty, and just plain perfect. Just what I wanted to hear while I was stuck at home on bedrest all alone. Not that I am mad or anything...

  17. InterstellarLass - wow! totally remember her and her irish twirl move.

    Lisa - my only advice is go during the week and not on the weekend during the spring and stay at the Grand Californian hotel if you can.

    T. - that's such a great org. The job does a lot of work with them

    MamaLee - have to see that pict. Maybe that's just the kids reaction to Jasmine.

    dadinprogress - that wii is going to drive us all crazy.

    Mrs. Chicken - you know, it was pretty fun down there the few days when it was just my wife, daughter and I. But when the relatives came- it was a whole different place.

    izzy- that's interesting, I'll have to keep that in mind

  18. Hey! Happy New Year from another daddy blogger. Just wanted to say thanks for all your great posts this past year. Let's hope for more of the same in 2007.

  19. Welcome back! My best strategy for dealing with Disney World is to drive home at night. Cuz, I live, like, an hour away.

    And what is it with the fat people on scooters? I see them all the time at the grocery store. And they are REALLY fat. I mean, a walk through the store probably WOULD kill them.
    And naturally, the time I had my foot in a cast, do you think I could find a scooter? Hell. No.

  20. junebee - a cast? That's not reason enough. Now maybe if you had a box of donuts that could do something...

  21. sounds like you had an eventful trip!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the first picture... I can imagine that being the EXACT face my daughter would make if someone had the nerve to call THEMSELVES a princess!!

  22. I am totally digging the ears.

  23. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Dude. Jasmine's hot. Maybe the fact that my house is a Disney princess shrine isn't so bad afterall. Booking our trip to princess mecca ASAP.

  24. Mitch McDad - yeah, you know it's hard not to notice the hot-ness with them. I the dad's in the character dinner weren't complaining at all. Ariel was even better- i'll have to post that pict.

  25. Welcome back. We leave next week. I haven't been worried about the weather...I consider anything over 40 degrees shorts weather.

    I bet you'll be going back within a couple years...gotta go while the girl's young.
