Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Workplace Holiday Party – Bad DJ’s, Free Alcohol, Picking Fights With Dwarfs And Home By Midnight

Last night was the big party, I love these things – it gives me a chance to talk with people I normally don’t chat with on a daily basis (in case you don’t already know - I’m a ‘talker’) Meet co-workers significant others, which is always interesting, for some you can tell why they never leave work; others you feel really sorry for. And it gives those of us around the office a sneak peak as to who’s on the ‘way out’ (drinking like nobody’s business, doing crazy stuff like breakdancing to “Cool and the Gang” or “Celine Dion-club remix”) or on the ‘way up’ (hanging out in the VP’s circles, laughing real loud like Pee-Wee Herman at unfunny jokes.) It also gives us a chance to see which VP’s assistant will be drunk of her/his butt, freak dancing with a busboy.

This one was held at a trendy club in Hollywood, the kind where they hold the line outside to make it look like it’s “happenin’” inside (with Rog and Rerun.) I hate it when they do that- what are we 21 year-olds? I don’t think so! - I have a kid, and dream of going to bed at 10pm these days. It just irritated us since it was just our company taking over the place and it was cold outside (did I mention its been in the 30’s at night? This is L.A.- things like that don’t happen here. The earth is very angry.)

Anyhow, it was fun. We stayed out until our $50 ran out on the babysitter meter, I talked so much yelling over “Beat It” and Madonna’s “Holiday” that I lost my voice, and we were given extra cocktail tickets since the HR woman knows my wife and I pretty well. Other than that, pretty uneventful – I know all of you were hoping for a Christmas party with orgies, heated debates over how a Lexus really is just a Toyota (plus 30k), and a drunken boss who picks fights with midget bouncers (in high heels), etc. Me too…maybe next year we’ll invite Willie Ames and Charo.

Pssssst! By the way...we're leaving for Disney World with the wife's family for Christmas and New Year's, so no blogging fo' me. Take a break and spend some time with the family. And if you happen to find a Nintendo Wii....let me know.


  1. Oh how I hate that happenin line up when the club is half empty and when the room is rented, that is completely unacceptable.

    By the way please explain how people dance to Celine Dion. Also unacceptable.

    Have a happy happy in Disney World!

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    OOOOHH!!! Disney! Have fun!

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Glad you had fun at the holiday party. Enjoy Disneyworld. Too bad we won't be able to meet up with the kids. Some day! Travel safely.

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I didn't go to my company holiday party. I don't like any of them enough.

    Have fun at Disney World! Kiss Goofy for me!

  5. Have a blast at Disney, CTD. Kiss Snow White for me.

  6. WHAT?! No dancing naked on the table or anything?! What a boring party, indeed!

    I'm so jealous you're going to Disney World!! Have a safe flight, enjoy it and a great Xmas to you and your family Tony!!

  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    When you're at Disney World, you will be exactly one hour (by car) away from me. Exciting, isn't it?

  8. Hehe, haven't been to a company party in a long, long time, but sounds much better than any I used to drag my ass to. Enjoy the trip!

  9. Stay safe, and don't accost the Mouse. They take that shit seriously at Disney World.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Happy holidays. Have fun in Florida!

  11. One of the benefits of being unemployed? No holiday party to go to. One of the drawbacks of being unemployed? No holiday party to go to.

    Have fun!

  12. Hey, you're an hour from me too! And by the way, Tony, it's Kook & the Gang. Kool with a K, you know, like the cigarettes?!

  13. junebee- OMG! How could I have forgotten?! It's the little things like that...seriously.

    wayabetty - I know! Next year, really...it's going to rock like it's 1999.

  14. Whoa. That party sounds like a rock n' roll festival of debauchery compared with what my office party will be like.

    Fortunately, I -- ahem -- have other plans...

  15. Saw your post at RWA's, so thought I would check your blog out.

    Enjoy your holiday to Disney!!

    I like Tim burton too...my favourite is Sleepy Hollow with Johhny Depp!!

  16. I tried to get my family to forgo gifts altogether and take a trip - to no avail... I am wistfully envious!!! (maybe I'll have better luck next year!)

    Enjoy and have a FABULOUS Holiday!!!

  17. Have a great trip and happy Wii hunting!

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    We've had one holiday party (hers) and mine is coming up on Saturday night. Mom's in town to watch the baby so life is going to be good (no work the next day!)

    Have a good trip and a safe and happy holiday!

  19. Have a great trip. Make sure you get one of those million dreams.

  20. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Have a wonderful trip to Disney World. What? Me take a break from blogging? Impossible, my friend. Can't do it. Not that I'm addicted or anything :)

  21. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I LOVE Disney World, especially at Christmas time. I hope your holidays went wonderfully! See you in 2007!!


  22. Merry Christmas !!

    That nightclub attitude for a space your compnay hired out completely is *bizarre* .. like, it's the losers you work with .. not exactly the TomKat/J-Lo crowd ...

    Sheesh !

  23. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Disney World. The ultimate punishment for any parent......

    Hope you don't arrive home too exhausted and that the lines are manageable.


  24. Wait, you live in LA and you are flying to Florida to go to Disney World? Those 30 degree nights must really be getting to you.

  25. Makes me miss Los Angeles not at all... and I think I got the last Wii in North America.

    It's still in it's box... wanna make a deal? ;-)
