Sunday, December 17, 2006

Being Up At 5:30 A.M. Isn’t What It Use To Be

Boy, there sure is nothing quite like waiting in a line, in 32-degree weather waiting for a Nintendo Wii at the local Best Buy that makes you feel like a parent at Christmas. I stood out there wondering – is this what it’s going to be like when my daughter wants some “hot” hard-to-find toy in the future?
I was about 73rd in line and down in front were parents who were camped out in tents (yes, tents and stoves) since 4pm yesterday. We all heard that this place was getting a HUGE shipment this morning, the last before Christmas.

I was chatting it up with the other parents around me for a while; each was trying to convince the other why they should get one before the other. I swear it could have been its own reality show—it went something like this:

Dad ‘Shady Looking’: (looked like he closed the bar a few minutes ago) "If I don’t get my son one of these, he won’t talk to me for another 3 years - he’s 8." (eyes shift around)

Mom in Puffy Christmas Sweater and Snowman Scarf: "It’s this or laptop for my kid. This is my 8th time waiting before the store opens. If I don’t get one before Christmas, I’ll kill." (she stares at ME)

Mom Heavy Smoker With Deep Voice: "I work all the time, if I get this then my kids will stop bothering me." (takes another puff)

Mom Who Looks Like She’s 11: "My son wants this so he can make friends (puts her head down) he doesn’t have any."

Grandfather Short Pudgy: "This is for my straight-A grandkids…if these S.O.B.’s don’t open that door; I’m going to kick all of their asses! " (fist in the air, then looks at ME)

Mom With 1 Gallon Steel Coffee Mug: "This is for my 5 boys; I can only afford one gift. I was down at the Target, they have 2 policemen, one was my 2nd ex-husband…so I came here. (smells coffee) Did I mention I have health problems?"

Dad With Glowing Bluetooth Headset: "I’ve got my wife at Walmart, Grandma at Costco, older son at Circuit City, if we don’t get one - I’m mailing bombs to Nintendo..." (yells into headset "GO!, GO!, GO!)

Dad Who Didn’t Move Or Acknowledge Anybody During Entire Time: (talks without moving) ..."I wonder if the police are going to show up this time. Because if they don’t (unintelligible)….." (then looks at ME)

(heads turn, all eyes on me)

Me: This is for me. (thumbs up!)

In case you’re wondering, none of use ended up getting one -the store only had 24. Once they yelled out the news I ran to the car and locked the doors (I wasn't sticking around.) And if my daughter wants something that's hard to find in the future, I'm wrapping cash in a box.


  1. boy.imp asked santa for a train!

    Woohoo, daddy's-um- boy.imp is getting a visit from Santa!!

    32 degrees in Ca???

    Dude, you might as well move out here to Ohio, we were in the 50s this a.m.

  2. Yes, this is what it will be like when your daughter wants the hot toy du jour.

    Unless you wise up like I finally did and
    (1)make close friends with your local hot toys store manager and
    (2)get your name on the waiting list for said hot toy way, way, way ahead of time.

    My son has been in heaven since he got his birthday Wii yesterday.

    The only problem is that my efficiency robbed me of a great blogging opportunity. I'm still laughing and crying from your post.

  3. I remember my mom and I going to wait in some huge long line for sme piece of crap toy for my little brother when he was little. So far, I have lucked out and my kids haven't wanted what was super popular, or if they have, they have asked me for it in more than enough time for me to be able to get it. Cash in a box will have to be my back up plan though.

  4. I think we've swapped coasts -- here in New England it's in the 50s and making all of us -- are you ready for this -- grouchy (!) because it's not supposed to be warm around Christmas!

    I just told my wife I thought it would be fun to have a Wii yesterday. She agreed, so we could play tennis together. But I guess I won't be getting one...didn't know they were sold out.

    At least your daughter didn't beg for that stupid ass TMX Elmo -- another line former.

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    *thumbs up*
    at least you were honest!
    And what the hell are they thinking only sending 24? I thought they were going to send bigger shipments than the PS3 did just to 'show them.'

  6. Lucky for me my kids KNOW me well enough to know they won't be getting any gift that requires me standing in any kind of a line up at all.

    I remember back when Cabbage Patch Dolls were first out. It was friggen nuts! People ripping them out of each other's hands....the line ups.......UGH. That year Cabbage Patch became the new "F" word.

  7. I'm thinking I'll just wait until the next big game system comes out. Then I can pick this one up for a song and my kids will think I'm a hero.

    They're still playing the old ATARI. God love 'em. They think it's sooo cool.

  8. (shaking my head) Tony, Tony, Tony...

    360 is the system you need. More horsepower, more games, more availability.

    Plus, if you get one, I can kick your ass in (insert game here) online.

  9. I dread when my kids are old enough for that crap.

  10. How strange. The front of your Best Buy looks exactly like the front of our Best Buy. Do u think they do that on purpose?


  11. Tony, I don't know whether to applaud your dedication as a parent...or question your sanity! Either way, sounds like you shared the adventure with some very interesting folks!

  12. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I saw people standing outside Target at 10:30 pm last Saturday night. I've never camped out in line for anything. Mostly because I've never been wiliing to fork over $$$ for a game system. Hey kids! Look outside! You see that? Trees? Grass? Sky? Go play in it! Your imagination is the limit!

  13. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Such anger for the holiday season! You normally save those promises of violence for the incoming inlaws...

  14. Apparently, I don't love my kids enough... They can have some money and wait til spring when there's plenty in stock, the price goes down $50 and I might get lucky they'll even lose interest... (or buddy up with a kid whose parents DID sleep in the tent outside Best Buy LOLOL)

    According to my son, the only thing better than getting something like that is when he sees me go into "maternal instinct I'm gonna kick yer lilly ass mode" when I get ruffled over my kids... (we have a legendary incident where I tore some dude in camo a new one on the ski slope after he hit my son - lucky for him I'm really afraid of JAIL >o)

  15. It seems as if I'm the only crazy one here..

  16. That's nuts.
    Does anyone remember Cabbage Patch Dolls?
    Insane times, insane times.

  17. That's some intense love for Nintendo. I thought about doing that for their new handheld -- I wanted to get it for my dad for Christmas...but I caved and bought game boy Advanced because there was NO WAY I was getting in line at Walmart...

  18. Yeah, um did you happen to catch on the National news a small po-dunk town in CT where people were waiting outside a Wal-mart the day after Thanksgiving for PS3's and a guy got shot???

    Yup, that was my town.... I go to the Wal-mart every week!!

  19. Cash-in-a-Box sounds perfect to me ....


  20. I don't think before this post I could have truthfully claimed to have ROFLMAO but this post did it!
