Monday, November 13, 2006

‘Christmas-Creep’. Toddler’s Closing Down Cocktail Parties, And Angry Midgets

My message to the stores - It isn’t Christmas yet, so Put away the displays!
I keep complaining about this over and over again, but I really hate this ‘Christmas-Creep’ that’s going on at stores, malls, city centers, etc. We were out over the weekend and stores have completely forgotten that Thanksgiving exists. What would the pilgrims think!? I bet they would be very disappointed - possibly rioting at the farms, throwing Honeybaked Hams, and canned pumpkin guts through barn windows. People could die!
This thinking stores want to instill in people hasn’t gotten to me. I absolutely refuse to do anything Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving - decorating, buying gifts, junk, whatever. Because if I did buy into it, I just know stores will start putting up displays and piping Michael Bolton Christmas music after 4th of July. I don’t want my child to grow up in a world like that.

Just in case you were thinking of taking a Toddler to a Cocktail Party.
We went to a party over the weekend for one of our close friends’ birthday - A wine and appetizer type thing. We weren’t sure how our daughter was going to react since her bedtime was about the time it started. To our surprise she did really well. Before we left she lounged down on the ground, did some yoga moves, and pooped (with surround sound!) If you ever want to end something, there’s nothing like a toddler pooping in the middle of a party.

Blogging About People You Know Who Could Possibly Be Reading.
Question to all of you bloggers out there - Who knows about your blog?
Mine? The wife, a few close friends, my daughter (when she does something, I tell her I’m going to blog about it) and that’s about it on my end. If more people I know read this, then I would probably edit myself – and that would be tragic. I have a friend who saw my post about his addiction to facials, pedicures, and midget massages (In case you missed that one, you can read it here). Surprisingly, he wasn’t upset about me writing about his love of the facials, pedicures, or midget massages at places called "Peaches & Cream" though. Only the part about my use of ‘Angry Thai Midgets’. . Apparently they’re Vietnamese. Sorry Robert!


  1. I was recently de-frocked because I started writing for blogging baby.

    The gloves are off. I can't say anything that I wouldn't say to someone's face.

    On the plus side, it's made me more honest in person.

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Oh yeah. I drove by a house last night that already had their Christmas lights up and ON! Uhhh...that's what the Friday after Thanksgiving is for!

    A few people I know used to read it. I think they've stopped now. That's how bad I am. Not even my own friends will read.

  3. I hate the Christmas creep. We prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas actually.

    I've told quite a few people about my blog, but my immediate family doesn't know (except for my sister-in-laws).

  4. Try being Jewish. Those little red-and-green themed displays are stalking me.

    A few friends read the blog, but not my family. My sister knows about it but was not interested enough to ask what it is called. Real confidence booster, that.

  5. Christmas, O! how I do hate it.

    As for blogging - I deleted all my posts today about people I know who would not appreciate my - er, frank - manner of writing.

    Now I feel totally inhibited. Oh well. That is better than being written out of the wills.

  6. No one knows about my site except my wife. Not family, not friends, not even enemies.

  7. No one I know is aware of my blog except my wife. And it took a while to get up the courage to discuss it with her. And to my knowledge, she has not yet read it. Of course, limiting things to what I'm aware of really narrows the field.

  8. Nobody except my wife and Clare know about my blog. If anyone else found out I'd have to kill them.

  9. Who reads me? Too many that I'd rather wouldn't. Ah, if I had it to do over...

  10. where can i find these vietnamese midgets? do they give discounts on massages because they're, uh, smaller?

    most of my friends know about my blog. i remind them often because i want to drum up my readership. sometimes i think about starting another blog and not telling anyone. my own little secret.

  11. No one that I know in real life knows about my blog, but it isn't because I'm writing anything that would surprise them. Everything I have ever written is stuff I have either already said to them or would say. I don't want to tell anyone I know for real because then I would read and re-read every single post just to make sure it was ok for them to read. This way, I write what I want and don't worry about it. I realize someone may read it, or may be reading it now and I just don't know, but as long as I pretend they aren't, it's ok.

    My story about my cancer is pretty harsh and sometimes mean about my husband, but he already knows I am pissed about the way he acted through it all. It's over, and I bet if he knew what I was writing, he'd be glad I was writing it instead of talking it over and over and over with him. There is nothing he can do to change how he reacted to the whole cancer thing, so if I ned to vent, he would probably be glad it was in some blog than to his mom or something.

  12. One more thing. We always put up our Christams stuff the day before Thanskgiving because when my family comes here for Thanksgiving, we do both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Do we get a pass? I am embarrassed about having our stuff up so early, but can't ruin our family tradition that was started before I was born.

  13. My husband knows about the blog, but doesn't even ask to read it. Hasn't even tried. I don't know if that's good or bad. My sister knows, but I never gave her the url or told her the name, I guess I still want to keep it away from the family. Some friends know that I 'write here and there' but again, never give the url or name. I don't talk much about the people in ym life (except for the idiots at work) but what if I want to someday???

  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Most of my friends and some of my family know about my blog. Sadly, I don't think any of them care.

  15. How very interesting. Everybody has a common theme.
    I always wondered how much people share about themselves to strangers (well almost) than to their own friends and family.

  16. Yeah, tell me about it! Santa is already out and about having his picture taken with little kiddies. That's just wrong!

    As for my blog, my parents and their friends, aunties, cousins, and sisters read my blog which puts a damper on my ability to write freely, not to mention pressure on trying to write creatively. I might have to go underground with another blog so I can talk about them, hee hee.

  17. Damn the Christmas creep!

    As for my blog, everyone knows that I write it. I don't pull any punches and I make no apologies. If you do something stupid, I'm going to write about it. Deal with it.

  18. I take it that friend is not a midget, jsut an angry vietnamese man?

    Here October is Thanksgiving, so as soon as Hallowe'en is over, all bets are off and it's one long gallop to Christmas (with my birthday right at your Thanksgiving -0 maybe I should lobby fopr it to be a bigger holiday?). TONS of time to panic and overprepare and make myself nuts.

  19. A lot of people know that I have the blog. Most of them don't care. Some read it once, said it was nice and never revisited. I don't think we write blogs for our friends and family, do we? For me, it's much more about finding other people in the world that share similar views, or can provide alternative views. If blogs were for families and friends, what would be the point of ever talking live or having family parties with real conversation?

    I love Christmas and all things associated. I also love Thanksgiving. We don't put decorations up until after Thanksgiving, but we have started some of the shopping. For us it's just to avoid the time crunch, but I agree, the holiday can lose some of its magic if it's spread too thin over too long of a time.

  20. My husband and my sister know about my blog. That's all I've told and I'm pretty sure that's all I'm going to tell.

    Your cocktail party story made me laugh out loud. Thanks, I needed that!

  21. People - they know. Despite that, I don't self-censor as much as I should. Oh well. I yam what I yam.
