Friday, January 19, 2007

Five Things You Didn't Know About Me (And Some That May Scare You…)

I was tagged by real-life friend Rick for this (I did another similar to this called “5 weird things about me” awhile back too..)

1. I was in a Roller Skating Rink advertisement when I was 11. For the coolest rink in town at the time – Skate Country. It was a staged birthday party scene with 4 other kids (I was in the center- the “supa-star” birthday kid.) The thing ran locally for nearly a year. I was even recognized once at the local Sizzler and at the mall. I wish I can find the advertisement and put in on a t-shirt.

2. My Art teacher in High School told me that I would never have an Art career. That got to me motivated and so I did everything in my power to prove her wrong (even used voo-doo…. Well no, not really.) In reality, that’s probably the best thing anybody ever did for me, since I ended up where I am today. I tried to get in contact with her about 10 years ago, but she had passed away.

3. I had an encounter with a Spice Girl. When the Spice Girls did their movie premiere of “Spice World” in Hollywood, a friend and I went to a restaurant they were going to be at (we had some inside info.) I almost ran into Posh (aka: "Hot Spice" or Victoria) near the restroom, she stopped and said “hello thar” to that posh English accent. That was cool.

4. I can play Depeche Mode songs on the accordion. Actually, that’s about all I can play on it. When I was a kid, I wanted to take piano lessons like everybody else. But somehow I ended up taking accordion instead. I still have the thing in my grandparent’s garage – I wonder if the DM sticker is still on it?

5. I was a vegetarian for 13 years. It ended just after we had my daughter, I had 2 reasons for eating meat again 1) I didn’t want my daughter to be picky about food; possibly hearing “Daddy doesn’t eat cow, so why should I?” 2) There’s this freaky vegan (ya’ know, the kind that doesn’t eat anything that casts a shadow) at work that weights like 12, maybe 13 pounds and both her daughters (around age 4 and 9) are vegans too (she said “they” made the decision themselves…yeah, sure, O.K.) I’ve seen pictures of them and they look weird - like that one drugged out Olsen twin.

If you want to do this on your blog, leave a comment and I’ll link to you.


  1. I can't compete with meeting a Spice Girl. I'll stand in awe of your life. :)

    And no explanation of the photo? Come now...surely SOMEONE got in trouble over that one! LOL

  2. Actually, the photo isn't of anybody I know. I just thought it was funny. If that were me as a kid - I wouldn't be here today. If if were my kid, she would be signing autographs

  3. I met the New Kids on the Block after losing a bet in college. I had them sign the back of my jeans. That's right. Wahlberg all over my cheeks, baby.

  4. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Is there any way we could get a video of you playing "Personal Jesus" on the accordian?

  5. You must find that accordian...and then post the it for your fans, Tony!!!

    (Peer pressure at it's finest!)

    Being told you aren't good enough can sometimes be a powerful motivator....or a very damaging tool.

    Good for you for making it the first and not the latter.

  6. I could hardly get past that photo! Holy... Anyway.

    I have met Sarah Vowell at a book signing, and we had a "moment". I mentioned it was a goal of mine to travel to all fifty state capitols, and she gave me a website of a woman who does stuff like that. Anyway, I'm sure she'll remember me forever and ever now. Heh.


  7. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I reckon we need an mp3 on your blog soon of accordian hits.

  8. Anonymous8:56 PM

    A Spice? Couldn't you have done something then to save the world from Her Poshness? My m-i-l was the one in her family that learned the accordian. She offered to pay for lessons for my kids. I declined.

  9. I am of the same mindset in that when someone tells me I can't do something or that I am not good at it, I think "oh yeah? watch me!". That is how I ended up doing my first triathlon. My husband laughed at me being interested in trying it because I didn't know how to swim and did not even own a bike. He told me that I would never be able to learn in time. I did.

  10. Wow, you're like famous! Tony, let's be honest, the reason why you didn't want to be a vegetarian any more is b/c of that delish bucket of KFC! I'm surprised you didn't mention the Colonel.

  11. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah - my biggest songs (or "ones that brought down the house") were "Just Can't Get Enough" and "Lie To Me". I don't think anybody ever made any videos...and I haven't touched the accordian in years. Maybe one day...

    wayabetty - I must admit, the colonel's 'bucket of sin' did play a role...

  12. I love that you can play Depeche songs on an accordian. You are so hired for my next party. It'll RAWK!

  13. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I had an math professor in college tell me that I should drop out and find a job. That maybe college wasn't for me. It was a great motivator for me too. I'm terrible at math but had a great feel for everything else. Ended up finishing school on the Dean's list. I laughed out loud and pointed at her when I walked across the stage. And she wasn't smiling she was proud that did well -- she actually seemed mad that she was wrong.

    I should probably do my five things, too. I'll see if I can get it together.

  14. kittenpie - if there's cage dancers, then maybe.

  15. My head hurts just thinking about StrangeLove on the accordian.

  16. sarah- that's a tough one. I never tried. That's like doing Black Celebration on it (the accordian will break)

  17. Anonymous5:16 AM

    You're right. Your brush with a Spice Girl does scare me. Did she impale you with one of her ultra-prominent bones? Oh wait...that was when she was still normal. And that DM on the accordion? A little scary...but pretty effin cool

