Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I Don’t Understand…What’s This “White Stuff” Falling From The Sky?!

I don’t mean to alarm people, but I think the world it about to end. This morning it actually snowed at my house. I kid you not. The neighbors and I were outside confused (staring at the sky like the second coming of Oprah was upon us) walking around taking pictures, except the neighbors from Colorado – they were like “Its snow! What’s the big freakin’ deal?” And then went back inside.
I’ll tell you, this doesn’t happen here in L.A. Actually, I think it’s illegal (I remember, I voted against it, right next to banning smoking outdoors.) Yes, I do know that snowing here isn’t impossible, some of the old timers from the neighborhood do tell of stores of this happening back in 1912 (like when the big rigs got stuck on the freeways and chemical spills happened…) But that was a long time ago.

In the excitement I became a little disappointed, I wished the wife and daughter were there - they had left a little earlier and missed the 30-minute miracle Oprah had bestowed upon our tiny village. I would have loved to see my daughter’s reaction to the white mystical stuff.
Some days, I wish I could just call that dude from Star Trek (Sammy, Johnny, or whatever his name is) and tell the French dude, Dude, Laser-beam my familia here, pronto! Until then, they’ll have to settle on camera-phone pictures and my memory of it instead.


  1. Wow! Snow in LA! That's crazy! I could say the same here in Toronto, though -- it actually snowed for the first time this week, and it was bizarre to finally see it! I'm so (pleasantly) puzzled as to how the monkey learned the word "snow," which she's been showing off....Since she's never really seen it! But, still, snow in LA? so weird!

  2. It was Scotty in the original Star Trek series. Crap. I just gave my age away again...

  3. I think it has snowed more in LA this winter than it has in Massachusetts. I'm actually jealous of your snow.

    Lucky guy.

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    yes, snow IS weird isn't it?
    we've had so much snow this year my kids are starting to think we've moved to the north pole.

  5. That's so awesome. I'm seriously jealous. I wish it would snow over here in Eagle Rock. What a photo op that would be. One of these days, right?

  6. My brother told me it is snowing in Austin too. Crazy weather this year!

  7. P.Pie grew up in LA... she's seen it snow there a couple of times.

    Either way, you're not getting any sympathy from me.

  8. can you tell winter to make it's way over to the east coast?? it was freakin 74 degrees here in richmond two days ago...although it is 31 right now. No snow this year yet, so save some for us!

  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Ok, some of your guys WANT snow? Cuckoo! this is from a gal who has lived here in Connecticut for 40 years and is quite tired of it, thank you very much. And it looks like we are finally going to get some of that white stuff in the next few days, for the FIRST time this season. The cold temps are here as of a few days ago. Last week it was in the 70s. CRAZY.

    So anyone who wants my snow, I'll SEND it to ya when it comes.

    And Tony, careful what you wish for!

  10. It's my fault. Last night I watched the movie "Crash"... It snows at the end of the film. I thought, "I wonder if it really would snow in L.A." Guess somebody must've heard me!

    I lived in OC for 20 years and never saw snow falling out of the sky.

    We've got about six inches on the ground here in North Idaho, but it's so cold that you can't build anything with it. Too powdery.

  11. Hehe... I saw that on the news yesterday. Where's wife and daughter go that they'll only get to see pics of it?

  12. hey, here in the mid-west we just got past a weekend fraught with flood warnings and 2-8" of rain!!

    (ok maybe not 8" but it felt like it)

  13. That's sad Tony.

    You should live in the world where I do. A place with frequent blizzards, deep discounts on snowblowers and balaclava's for actual usage not just robbing banks.

    Snowmen and skiing. A place where we can wear multiple layers to cover our jiggly rolls.

    It's a cold place, but a nice white one.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    And to think here in Western MA we havnt seen but a dusting. Enjoy it.

  15. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Wow, all in one snowed in LA, AND Lindsay Lohan checked into rehab. Miracles never cease...

  16. InterstellarLass - seriously! Crazy Lindsay, who would've thunk that?

  17. Snow is pure, unbridled magic - how cool that your little one will see it this year.

  18. the world is completely doomed. we haven't had a lick of snow here in new england this winter, yet it's snowing in LA! i don't know if i should be mad or worried.

    and how about that lindsay lohan scoop -- it's about time. i guess it really hit home when she had her appendix removed and they told her "by the way, you have the liver of an 80 year-old alcoholic and you're going to die if you don't stop."

  19. Ahh...the unfairness of it all. Snow in LA...none in Connecticut. The world has apparently tilted too far on its axis.

  20. The snow woke up that morning wanting to freak everyone out...utter chaos. It's laughing now, I'm sure.

  21. it's Friday now and it's 70 degrees...

