Monday, January 15, 2007

Mommy, Why Does Father Stay Up So Late...? And The True Meaning Of Friendship

Yes, I got it! I finally got my Nintendo Wii. And it was real easy too. In fact, I really didn’t do anything (except breathe) unlike a few weeks ago, you know, waiting in line at 5am at the local Best Buy with all of those weird people who would have killed me with their laser eyes if one happen to fall into my arms out of the sky, by migrating birds.

How did this miracle happen? Let me educate: I was sitting on my crazy dentists’ chair (on the 8th teeth impression redo) and a friend calls me on the cell -- so while she was laughing, running around with the saliva foam on her head, I answered the phone:

Friend Frank: Wha-chou doing?

(dentist in BG: ”put the chick-en, in da’ pot…”)

Me: Nothing much, sitting in a Dentist chair. My Dentist is getting us some beers…

Friend Frank: That’s cool. So you still looking for a Wii? Because -- Targets got 'em, BEE-YOTCH! You want one?

(dentist in BG: ” …having teeth is good…mine are made of wood…blah, blah, blah..”)

Me: Whatchoou-talkin'bout willis?! Hell Yeah!!

“Best Friend” Frank: O.K. – I’ll pick up it and bring it to work.

Me: Dude, I owe you ‘big time’! When I have another kid, you can have it…

And then I come to work and it’s there - glowing. After I closed my eyes, smelled and licked the box, I felt cold or flu-like symptoms coming on. But being the responsible grown man that I am, I waited until I got home and stayed up until 1am playing it while the wife and daughter slept. Because that’s what married fathers in there thirties do, right?


  1. Did you throw yourself at Friend Frnak's feet and lick them too? Cause you totally should have. Friend Frank is cool.

    BTW- my hubby still only has the PS2 and he still stays up till all hours....I don't think it ever goes away. Biut that could be because I forbid him to turn it on so I can watch cable...

  2. I'm so happy you got it! Is it as cool as you expected it to be?

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Great post. Dialog adds so much to writing, I rarely see it in blogs. peace.

  4. Well, my husband is a married father in his thirties and if I bought him the Wii I would have to pry it from his cold dead clammy hands.

    He'd be dead because he either starved himself of food and water with his inability to press the off button or he'd be dead because I whacked him upside the head with a frying pan after tiring of being a nintendo widow for nights on end.

    A girl has needs you know!

    Sigh. This is why I send him OUT of town to work.

    What I don't know won't kill either of us!

  5. You crack me up ... and ya, of course that's what all fathers in their thiries do. Of course :)

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Found your page from a friend. LOL - just don't be like those people you see on the news who threw their Wii threw a window, or knocked out their two front teeth with it ;)


  7. Dude, it is completely okay.

    You can tell the whippersnappers you were around when pong was hip and ou can beat them at this, too.

  8. dude, i need a best friend frank. HOW is the WII? was it worthe all the fuss? i fear the window has closed for me to justify it -- since we're too far from christmas and nary another holiday coming until father's day, and by june, the novelty may be gone.

    and it scares me how similar we are: my friends are i use "bee-yotch" all the time, sprinkled with a few "wha'chou talkin' bout Willis"es here and there. you're my west coast doppelganger.

  9. To all of those wondering about the hype - yes! it's very cool. My wife plays with the wii just as much as I do...
    The tennis game is the best. With bowling a close second.
    Baseball, not so much. Golf is interesting but really tough.

    I'm picking up another game (Wario-Smooth Moves) tonight. With "Smooth Moves" in the title, you'd think Barry White were in it.

  10. SOOOooooo jealous. Can I come over and play? :)

  11. nice post... good to know that u got it... your blogs seems pretty interesting.... i would to visit again... u can too drop by My Blog sometimes...hope u will find it interesting...!!!

  12. I had a cool/snarky comment about how we have the PS2 and it sits in its box unless the babysitter is over (we have only one game - Dance Dance Fever) -

    But then I thought about my own personal addictions (sci fi dvds) and decided that I needed more time before responding.

    So I as I watched the 1st ever Dr. Who episode, I really ran out of comments...

    Rock On!

  13. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I think you owe Frank more than your next offspring. ;)

    I'm guilty. I've stayed up until the wee hours of the morning playing Gameboy. Many times.

  14. So that's what thirty-something boys do with their toys at 1am. LOL Good to know!

  15. Oh, I can guarantee you aren't the only 30something dad who plays video games late into the night.... I know another one, just like you!

  16. Well, mine's been known to stay up till 1 am watching Good Eats or till 4 am reading a good book, so I gotcha there, alright. Good on you about the Wii. So, we won't be seeing you for a few weeks, then?

  17. Just when he got back from vacation he's gonna disappear for another couple of weeks...months...decade...

  18. I dread the day the Wii comes into our house. Husband has alreadyadded video game watching to the girls bedtime routine :)

  19. congrats on the wii, dude. i just hooked up N64 and i'm totally pumped. (i'm a little behind, sure.)

  20. Anonymous8:28 PM

    My wife gets annoyed that I stay up late. What they fail to understand is that we need ALONE time. I have two daughters. That's a lot of women in one house.

    Congrats on the wii.


  21. Mitch McDad - I am pretty lucky. The wife doesn't least I think.

    Whirlwind - Funny, we can't have my daughter in the room when we play with the Wii, she wants to play too.
