Monday, July 31, 2006

1st Blogiversary!

Exactly 1 year ago today I started this blog. And the funny thing is I didn't even realize it until I saw the month and date on the archives (to the right) a few days ago.

How different things are today, back then my daughter was only 3 weeks old, now she's a year and practically driving. I never planned on blogging -our friend Rick (a real writer) had asked if I could help him setup his - I set up my own to see the process, fooled around a bit and thought I would try it out until I got bored with it. I originally wanted to write (if you can even call what I do "writing") about "art and design" stuff, maybe toss in some interesting links, but as time went on I found myself writing more about random everyday Dad stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love art and design, but being a Dad easily trumps all that.

In that time I've discovered other blogging parents (favorites to the right…and adding more all the time) who are in the same boat and now I kind of enjoy doing this. I honestly don't know why in the world anybody would be interested in reading this stuff (I'm sure all of us that blog feel the same way). Although looking back at old posts I think this might be an interesting read sometime in the future.

So to those silent "no comment" repeat visitors - Thanks for reading, maybe one day you'll leave a comment. And for those few that do and shoot me the occasional email, Thanks!

A few of my favorite posts over the year:
Confessions of a bunny killer... :(
Baby Bjorns (Carriers) aren't daddy friendly
Real estate agents scare me
Guy in a chicken suit
Baby Mullets and other Cross-Over Hairstyles
Pet-Parents and Human-Parents
The Elvis Impersonator Was Late to My Daughter’s 1st Birthday Party


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I wanna know how you had time at 3 weeks old to be helping a friend with a blog. I want you to teach a seminar in time management - cuz I'd take that one.

  2. Never thought of that about the Baby Bjorn frontpacks! And Elvis - for her 1st birthday?! Guess the Winnie-the-pooh impersonators were all booked that weekend!

    Haooy Blogiversary and many many more.

  3. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Congrats and Happy Anniversary!

  5. I'd do the Flinstones Happy Anniversary song for you but it doesn't have the same effect writen out and gets rather monotonous. But Happy Anniversary.

    Little Dub has a baby mullet right now and only because the front doesn't want to grow much yet - it's starting to worry me.
