Many tween-age kids don't want toys anymore; they rather have cell phones, Playstations, portable video players and iPods. Disney finally caught on to the trend and released these Mix Sticks music players for 6-12 year olds. They look similar to the $99 iPod shuffle, but cost $49. They play WMA files, or ripped CDs, and but not iTunes songs (iTunes is by far the most popular). Though Mix Sticks do feature plug-in memory cards with pre-recorded songs for parents, or kids, who just don't want to deal with the computer. I'm a little wary about these, my 10 and 12 year old niece/nephew and their friends all want iPods like the rest of the world. My guess is that these would fair well with my younger 6-year-old niece or just plain Disneyfiles who want anything Disney. But then again, I do really like the chrome one...