Well, I’m not sure what caused this sudden interest of picture taking again but it seemed as if she wanted to take the camera everywhere. To the store, park, pool, bathroom (while I was using it), etc.
The wife and I suspect that she saw one of the neighborhood kids or somebody on TV using a camera. It’s strange, if an older kid or character does something – she’ll want to do it too. Except, of course, pooping on the potty.
Her giving into peer-pressure scares me. For instance if Elmo told her to steal my credit card, passport, social security number, kidney, and send them to him she would do it in a heartbeat. By the way, that’s exactly why I sleep with the door locked at night.
Anyhow, she wandered around the party with the camera taking pictures for about an hour or two until she filled the 1,300 picture capacity memory card.
A few birthday pictures with added titles:

I knew she was done when she walked up to me while I was eating my Jell-O and cake, handed me the camera, and showed me her index finger saying “Look dad-DEE!... Booger.”
And then she wiped it on my pants and ran away.
And then she wiped it on my pants and ran away.
Fun pictures! I get all kinds of stuff wiped on me. One of the hazards of being a parent. When they have colds I often look like I have been run over by a herd of slugs.
Oh shoot, your last sentence cracked me up. My youngest does that kind of stuff all the time.
Those are actually pretty decent images. How does the thing shoot with indoor light? (Also, how is the shutter release time?)
I ask because we've got the Little Tikes digicam, and I can't get as crisp images with it, let alone my kid. But we haven't had much full sun weather to test it outside.
We had that same happy meal toy in triplicate. It was highly annoying. We also wondered WTF it was.
My daughter had that same camera, but the pictures weren't nearly as good and it ate batteries and finally shit the bed after 6 months. But we got it when they first came out, so I suspect they improved them since then.
Those are some seriously great pictures! I see a photography future for her, sans the boogers.
She's got a pretty good eye there Tony. I'm impressed!
Love it..she's got an eye!! So funny! Gald I stumbled acorss your blog. you've been bookmarked!
Your timing is great, or maybe it's not yours and it's your daughter's timing. But HA, boogers. Oh, boogers and poop. I'm an easy laugh. However, I am going to ban Elmo (who I can't stand anyway) and keep a close watch on my kidney.
I'm thinkin' you just got some artwork for your living room. Seriously. And the booger? Just icing on the cake. Hell, put that in a display case along with her first tooth and you're set, baby!
At least she WARNS you about boogers. My kids just rub them quietly on me and wander off. Ick.
Nothing says "love" more than a booger on the pants.....how sweet.
I just bought this camera for my nephew for his birthday.
I don't think he has quite the eye your daughter does.
But if he wipes his snot on my pants there will be hell to pay.
Just be happy they are digital, and you don't have to pay to have them developed.
We have thousands of photos of blurry zoo animals, the left ear of some random child, the tips of shoes -- apparently my children thought cameras did not work when the camera is pointed down.
We still have thousands of bad photos taken by my kids, but at least now they are only taking up space on my huge external hard drive...
(My 18 year old son takes awesome amazing photos now.)
Niiiice. I can't get mine to stop picking her nose either, and now she thinks it's hilarious. Oy.
Amazing how the right title can turn anything into a work of art.
The Whitney is on the phone... they're looking into an exhibition on rocking horse zeitgeist.
She is a very artistic photographer.
She should send some of them to Elmo. Maybe they will get on his 'camera' show.
Maybe you should wipe one of your grown up man size boogers on her. I think she would get the point. If that works, maybe you should poop your pants and let her clean it up, then she might get a little more serious about going poop in the potty. I just realized...I am going to be an awesome mom someday!
I hated those McDonald's toys with the same "beep-boop-beep-doodle-doo" noises they made over and over.
I think I we "lost" ours.
Scarlett Wanna Be -- Yes you will!
And for the record, I would love it if I could poop in my pants and somebody else would clean it up.
I hear celebrities get that type of treatment all the time.
foop -- Absolutely! A good title is half the art.
kittenpie -- When I looked at my pants, the booger was heart shaped...
beck --I can just imagine what the back of your shirt looks like...
Coal Miner's -- I like that!
So 15 years from now when her prom date comes to the house, I can say "first tooth", "first poop", "first booger"...
The pictures aren't the best. They look OK shrunk down, but at 100% they look really grainy.
Whirlwind -- They do the job of keeping her occupied. And besides, they look a little artsy anyway.
It has a weak indoor flash. I think the spec is 3 feet.
SciFi Dad --It does pretty well when she takes a picture of a wall.
Awesome Mom --- Sounds like they just blow their nose on you....
I guess that's a good way to save money on tissue.
Honestly, these are fantastic pictures. My kids' photos either featured the floor (my daughter) or his pee pee (my boy - I'm so proud).
Chokin' on a ham sandwich here, man. Hysterical.
I love those photos! I wanna get me a few of those cameras.
she didn't take a picture of the booger? she has much to learn
Her pictures are amazing! My kid is going to a princess party this weekend and I'm really hoping it doesn't end in boogers.
Aw, you're not just a Dad, you're KLEENEX!
BTW, great photos from a short POV.
Love the photos, especially their titles. They just add to the artistry of the photos!
My son is only 7 months old, so I am his virtual kleenex too. I look forward to him voluntarily showing me his boogies... I think.
Great photos...my son has taken some with a similar perspective. He got a less than flattering shot of my nostrils recently...still, it was photographic genius on his part.
painted maypole -- No picts of boogers. At least not that I'm aware of.
There were a lot of fuzzy pictures, I wouldn't doubt it if she tried.
the gal 's a photographer in the making. goody good.
Maybe your daughter is really Japanese, that's where she gets her photo-taking gene from!
(Time to check with your wife, dude)
Is she the future "Ansel Adam", I think that's how his name is spelled? Very artsy!!
As for the booger thing, did she roll it? I have to write a post about that soon.
wayabetty -- Roll it?! God no!!! What do your kids smoke it?
I just grossed myself out...
The Real Mother Hen -- I never thought about that? I better check with the wife on that, because now I'm getting a little angry...
Wow! the photographer in the amazing.
I love the post.
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