Saturday was the day we finally saw The Wiggles in concert and from the way my daughter had been acting all last week, you’d think she’s been waiting to go since the day she was born.
She was talking about it to everybody she came in contact with –- the sitter “I go to see THE WIGGLES!” The neighbors “Daddy taking me to see THE WIGGLES!!” The weird lady at the market that always smells (and maybe licks) the fruit “I going to see THE WIGGLES!” To the dog “woof, woof, woof…THE WIGGLES!!!”
When they finally ran on stage she screamed like a Japanese schoolgirl meeting Hello Kitty for the first time and absolutely REFUSED for the wife or I to pick her up. I guess she didn’t want to be seen with us, you know, because it’s embarrassing to be seen with your parents at a preschool concert when you’re 2.
Anyhow, instead of watching them on the stage she watched them on the giant TV… just like she does at home.
"Wiggles Parent Groupies?"

Although, I was a little surprised to see that some parents were having a better time than their kids - screaming, yelling, swooning, dancing around shaking their behinds suggestively... from the looks of it, you'd have thought they were at a Rick Astley concert.
After awhile it was more entertaining watching the parents. And then I couldn't help but to compare "The Wiggles" concert experience to others I’ve been to in the past:
The Wiggles Concert Vs. Concerts From Long Ago

2008 The Wiggles Concert: Cheerios being thrown at my head by a Toddler sitting behind me and the kid in front of us wailing during “Quack Quack” while the mom is yelling Anthony's name.
1992 The Cure Concert: Some drunk guy running on stage and being tackled by security at the Pasadena Rose Bowl.
2008 The Wiggles Concert: Sugar-high kid rushing onto stage and jumping into the “Big Red Car”, dad captures him but stops first to take a picture of his son in the car.
Multiple Tom Jones Concerts: Underwear being thrown on stage.
2008 The Wiggles Concert: Toddler running down the aisle wearing a diaper on his head.
About 25 minutes into the show my daughter interrupted my "Hot Potato" routine to tell me that she had enough. She was asking for her crayons and doodle pad so she could color... just like she does at home when watching them on TV.
It's incredible what you'll sit through for your kids
My husband is planning on taking our son to a monster truck derby. You'd have to know my husband to know why this is so hilarious.
Ah, the Wiggles! I actually kinda sorta miss them now that the little man's grown out of that stuff. I don't think I could watch them anymore without Greg being there.
We went through this with Dragon Tales a few years back. Now the child wants to see Depeche Mode when they tour again. She's nine. And obviously a brilliant child.
PS - The World Violation Tour was amazing.
I love it--just like she does at home.
i was shocked that i wasn't as annoyed by the two wiggles shows i had to sit through once upon a time as i thought i would be.
that said, i'm not rushing back. everyone knows they haven't been the same since greg went home.
Oh god, I am avoiding these things for a while longer still. I don't think I can take it. (And hey, I was at the Toronto violator concert, which I think was the one that came also with the Sugar Cubes and PIL. Sigh. Old days, indeed.)
The last time we went to a Wiggles concert, my wife was 9 months pregnant.
She went into labor just as they came out to do an encore.
Needless to say, the whole experience was interesting, and I attribute the power of their rocking to the birth of my youngest son (who's middle name is Greg in honor of the event).
Oh, question...
What's the better concert experience?
The Wiggles
The Doodlebops
Enjoy it while it lasts, before you know it, she will be sneaking out to see Madonna's The Strip Tease tour and Janet Jackson's Wardrobe Malfunction Tour.....
Giz and I make terrible audience members... neither of us have any attention span - even for the Wiggles. Besides, I hate to pay more than 5 bucks to WATCH anything, because it's such a waste of money for us (I'm not proud of that btw because it's really quite a handicap)
That said, we spend a lot of time on rollerskates, skis, bowling etc...
MY parents however, took me to see Liberace when I was four. That alone probably explains a lot.
What can I say but You cracked me up again!
I saw them a few years ago with my oldest. I, too, was surprised when they threw in little skits for the parents (imitating Meatloaf and Michael Jackson). But, I was totally weirded out by the parents who were SOOOO into the singing of every song at the top of their lungs. The thought of mom groupies being backstage with their kids also freaked me out.
i avoided those shows like the plague. but hey, look, it's the new "greg"
Now that is hilarious...watching them on the screen just like she does at home...oh the filtered and refiltered lives that we lead. I'll text ya later...
Was it everything you'd thought'd be?
I told you about all the parents doing the dance in the crowd...ahem, I did not scream out their names.
So what do you think of my theory about them doing lines of coke off hooker backsides after the show? Am I wrong? I'm telling you it's all about the yin and yang dude.
I met Murray Wiggle during a concert and wrote about it in our Christmas newsletter. It had been a boring year.
I had to explain to my grandma who he is.
Wow. You are a brave soul going into the den of kiddie concerts. I went to a Sesame Street Live show once and I haven't seen the TV show since. I've been scarred for life.
pixie -- I heard that one has a 14-foot tall Elmo. I can see why you fear so easily.
mama speak -- Yes! I could totally see that. I bet they hit the Sunset Strip later that night screaming out of of limo sunroof with Captn' Feathersword standing on the hood.
pageant mom -- Wow, your mom took you to see Liberace at 4? Did she also leave you alone at home while playing in the casino's too? Mine did...
jeremy -- That's tough, I would say Wiggles only because I knew more of the songs and they made a lot of random jokes that only parents would get.
And they don't have 3 fingers, and wear scary costumes.
Did I mention Rooney is 14-feet tall?
laura -- The wife and I saw DM a few years back (2 or 3) and they might as well been Dragon Tales. They didn't move much and sang newer things, which of course isn't that good.
beck -- Wow! That's cool. I've always wanted to go to one of those.
I hear those trucks are 14-feet tall...
Actually, it's probably we, all the non Japanese, will scream the heart out when we see a Hello Kitty! :)
Japanese girls scream at the sight of Britney Spears instead! Ah what a shame!
I'm with Lisa. Without Greg, The Wiggles are just weird. I must admit Jeff and Murray totally wig me out. And I can only half-stand Anthony.
Oh, have I been there!
Anthony Wiggle needs his own groupie section . . . do you think he hands out backstage passes to some of those deranged mothers?
I am glad you survived though. Like any hard-core concert, once is enough! :)
i don't know about the venue you saw the wiggles at, but ours sold BEER! kids on cotton candy highs, dads drunk on beer and mothers screaming for greg (or anthony).
it was a LOT more fun than I expected, too . . . especially with all that beer!
We were spared the Wiggles experience. But we have been to see Hilary Duff and Miley Cyrus.
Thankfully, alcohol was served at both venues.
Glad mine moved fron Thomas the Tank to Star Wars. Two hours of Thomas going round a track was waaaay more than I could stand.
Glad you enjoyed it though!
angie/sweatpantsmom -- yes, it had beer but was like $10 or $12. Definitely to expensive for my 7-11 beer budget.
I have been lucky enough to see the Wiggles in concert 4 times. And back when they were just struggling Aussie performers.
I kissed Anthony on the cheek. Back when he was young, hot and single.
The first concert I went to had like 100 kids and they came out and met the kids.
And they sang the same songs... 10 years ago...
Kelley -- Getting fresh with a Wiggle?
I know what you mean about the songs. The show is starting to annoy me now because they replay the same ones over and over again...
In fact, I have Fruit Salad (Spanish version) stuck in my head right now.
I'm a mom to be(6 mos pregnant) and a professed hater of the Wiggles. I can't stand them. Everything else I can, even Teletubbies, cause at least you can trip out them and wonder what the hell subliminal messages they're REALLY sending out in their shows.
My sister in law took my nephew to see the Wiggles twice, and both times he just stood there staring at them dumbfounded. I think he couldn't take the Wiggles stimuli overload--in all their primary color glory. :)
(BTW, I'm from SD and we do NOT all love Kenny G. For some reason this city does have a penchant for not moving past 19996 in terms of its musical taste)
I've been there and it was very interesting..
...very interesting!!
KMac -- You're brave I can't watch the Teletubbies. Those rabbits roaming the lawn, the baby in the sun...it's just too David Lynch-like for my taste.
Dude you have to see the cool video that they just put up on their site. I think that they url is www.thewigglestickets.org but you'll have to check it out for yourself. It's good though, real good.
Is this movie or show safe for toddlers?
What is the value they are giving for our kids development?
please help....Thank you!
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