I just read today that the average man spends $350 on Valentine's gifts. Yet, I know of no man spending $350. I’m not saying that no man has ever spent $350, Fabio or a Jonas brother maybe, but the rest of us - no.
Of course that $350 figure is coming from a well-known women’s magazine giving us men some suggestions: Jewelry (not the kind from a vending machine.) Winery vintage reserve club (pay to get on a waiting list shows ‘true love’), wardrobe makeover ($3,800), spa weekend package without significant other (minimum $1,200.)
If cupid and his brother Hallmark were alive today, I’m sure they would both be very disappointed of how superficial we’ve become since they created Valentines Day over 2,700 years ago.
So in keeping with the original spirit of the day, I’d like to do my part to help out. Here are some Valentine ideas that aren’t expensive; instead they’re creative, useful, offbeat, simple and... cheap.
Valentine's Day Coupons
Not your typical mainstream coupons like “let’s go on a picnic in Rome this weekend” or “Good for one million dollars.” These coupons will actually change the way you live. Forever.
- Sleep in for up to 1-hour without child interruption.
- Get out of Chuck E. Cheese birthday party or similar event.
- Romantic Dinner at Olive Garden.
- One night of dancing on the ceiling.
- One bucket of the Colonel’s Finest Finger Lickin’ Chicken. (top pick!)
Lionel Richie with Flower Bouquet Paper Craft
Click to print
And for those ultra romantics I present the ultimate Valentine gift: a paper craft of Lionel Richie holding a flower bouquet. And If you really want to take it to the next level, use him as a finger puppet and make him sing “Hello” to your Valentine while they sculpt your head out of clay.
Click to print
I love how the frosting on the Lionel Richie cupcake looks like lips... I can almost hear it singing "Hello..."
In 15 Valentine's Days with my husband, I'm pretty sure he's not even spent $35 on this day.
I have a feeling that I'm going to be using that Lionel Richie finger puppet far beyond Valentine's Day.
"the average man spends $350 on a Valentine’s gifts"
i'd love to see the source of that number... a jeweler perhaps?
For $350 dollars you could get the real Lionel Richie. I would still rather have the puppet.
I'm hoping for a bucket of chicken.
dude- you need instructions on how to put the doll together! I am so inept...
Thx for the Lionel Richie paper toy; my wife loves him. It's the perfect addition to the overpriced flowers and the Snuggie as Most Disjointed V-Day Gift Combo that I've ever given her.
FilmFather -- Happy to be of assistance. One of these days, maybe you can get the real Lionel Richie to deliver flowers.
geminigirl64 -- I have some instructions at the top. Once you cut it out, it should make more sense.
Sue -- Me too...!
furiousBall -- It didn't say. I think the journalist made it up.
I don't know of any man either who is spending $350 on Valentine's Day. Maybe someone in the dog house. I liked the coupon ideas. You should probably make it 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Jim H.
where the hell do i find an average man???? i wasn't too excited about the "free"...until i saw the sleep in for 1 hour!!!
I was PRETTY happy with my husband bringing me flowers and making supper, but now I'm just feeling ripped off. I will take the rest in cash, thank you.
(I'm kidding. But I do wish my printer was working so I could make him Lionel Ritchie.)
This year I fell about $345 short. Luckily, I now have Lionel to help me smooth things over.
Dad Stuff -- In that case, you should definitely have Lionel (finger puppet) sing.
My husband bought me a box of candy that played a song. I am pretty sure it was well under $350. I'm also pretty sure it was under $10. I am not big on valentines day, so it's totally fine with me.
You are awesome though...I love how creative you always are!
bwa ha ha ha ha
(but I would really rather have the picnic in rome)
Bucket of chicken and Lionel, what could be better? Well, little Colonel Sanders shaped chocolates might seal the deal. Hope you had a happy one, me, I was in a different town for a two day volleyball tournament staying in the motel room with my teenage daughter nursing a cold going through a box of kleenex every thirty minutes and on valentine's night plunging the toilet....it still overflowed Sunday morning when we left........beat that one!
Awesome public service, man! Saved me $350!
Had to redo the "Get out of a Chuck E Cheese Visit" to "One Free Chuck E Cheese Visit", however, as my wife enjoys that place more than the kids!
Personally, I would love the Lionel Richie paper doll. Bring on the romance.
painted maypole ---- ...with the real Lionel Richie too, I suspect?
Artist Unplugged -- If only Colonel Sander shaped chocolates were real...
Super Mega Dad -- WHAT?! She obviously isn't a human. Maybe she's an alien or owns stock in the Chuck's.
D -- He's travel size. Now you can take romance anywhere.
"Ya, we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot."
I agree with you on the $350. It's kind of like how the diamond companies tell you that people spend 3 months' salary on an engagement ring. No one I know has done that!
I'd settle for $35.
Who am I kidding? I would settle for $3.50.
Very cool ideas -- as always! Hence the "creative" moniker, right??
Depending on how you look at it, Misterpie either spent a bundle or nothing at all on Valentine's day, because I was getting my baby ring that day. good timing for him, no?!
wow. genius ...thank u .
this is a good idea for the next yr
chanchow -- Anybody that has to spend 3 months salary on a ring seriously needs to consider cubic zirconia.
Dude! Your comment made me laugh...I'm all, "Who's 'ctd'?"
I would be so much more engaged in the endless rehearsals if Wendy was, in fact, a zombie!
The "Get Out of Chuck E Cheese Visit" is great; I'd really anjoy receiving a "Get Out of Planning One Birthday Party" coupon.
Haha dancing on the ceiling? Dude, I dance like C3PO, my moves are so heavy and stiff, so much so they may cause the entire ceiling to collapse.
Steph -- I think you should rewrite it. I would fly out to AK for that.
The Real Mother Hen -- Sounds like a YouTube hit to me!
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