It’s hard to believe that it was 10 years ago today that the wife and I were married on a perfect spring day, among friends and family, on the cliffs of Palos Verdes overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
I still remember just about every detail of that day right down to the feeling of seeing my wife-to-be walking down the aisle, to the decadent taste of the crushed chocolate peanut butter cup cake.
It all still seems like it was only yesterday, or maybe just a few years ago.
And how do you think we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary day? Maybe a candlelit dinner comes to mind? Or perhaps a Depeche Mode concert with a special intermission shout-out by Martin Gore yelling out “Happy Anniversary to ma’ mates!” pointing to us in the front row. Or maybe just a simple private jet ride to Catalina Island for an intimate dinner and a private movie screening of “Rambo” on the beach and then later parachuting back home softly tapping wine glasses while we float back down to earth landing on a freshly manicured lawn, near a bucket of KFC chicken.
If you guessed any of those you’d be wrong.
I had a tough day at work, as it was my boss’s last day with the company. My daughter picked up the pace of asking for an (evil) cat. My wife was sick and has 3 papers due next week (closer to that MBA.) So what do we do? We went to Souplantation -- my daughter’s favorite restaurant in the entire universe.
When I told the cashier it was our 10-year wedding anniversary she gave me a 15% discount. She said the AAA discount doesn’t work anymore, but she can still give it to friends and family (thank you Geneveva.)
On the upside, in addition to the discount, things weren’t all that bad. Souplantation wasn’t nearly as crazy as it usually is on a Friday night - no screaming babies, no kids running too fast through the buffet area, and no clam chowder with all of the clams fished out. And it’s ‘lemon month’ so the summer lemon salad and lemon cream pasta were both nothing to complain about.
In fact, if you replace Geneveva with Martin Gore, you can almost say it was like Martin gave me a 15% discount!
Or maybe not…
Oh well, it's my birthday Monday and I’m planning on paying a visit to KFC (my once every 6 weeks indulgence!) Oh yeah, and this will be our apartment’s view 2 weeks from today...
Happy A.V. and B.D.!
Happy anniversary, kids! Congratulations on 10 years.
GAH! Could you be any more romantic?! I mean, seriously, I may have swooned reading this! I dare not ask my husband what he remembers most of our wedding, for it would irritate me!
Happy anniversary, and happy birthday. What great things you have to look forward to that aren't all just extra crispy!
Souplantation sounds awesome. That picture would look better with KFC and 40's instead of croissants and mimosas.
Wait... APARTMENT?!?
Are you moving to Paris?
(Oh, and uh, Happy Birthday and Anniversary and National Rat Shaving Month or whatever.)
How to Party with an Infant -- Oh, how right you are....!
SciFi Dad -- No, it's just a vacation rental for a few weeks.
Sounds like it wasn't too bad of an anniversary, hmmmmm, perhaps that little romp in Paris can soothe the disappointment. Yawn! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CTD! Since your KFC has been severly rationed perhaps you could arrange a vat of chicken to just roll around in...that should be heart safe...unless it's possible for the oil to seep through your pores like some type of osmosis! I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see you had dropped by my site...thanks!
Happy anniverary AND happy birthday!
Happy Anniversary
Paris and KFC what more could you ask for!!
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday. Mine is on Thursday. Here's a present.
Too funny! Happy Anniversary!
I think you beat me...my last anniversary had the Mrs. in bed early from illness while I sat up and watched TV. :)
Happy Anniversary!
We don't have Souplantation up here, guess we'll have to hit the Fresh Choice for our anniversary ;-) Then again we've only been married 8 yrs this May, so we could get a Souplantation by then. A girl can dream.
Dude, do they have KFC in Paris by now? Now that would be a vacation!
Happy Anniversary. And yeah I was going to say go back to Paris, where the two of you met :)
Happy Birthday too!
Happy Birthaversiday!
Make sure they don't ruin your KFC by Frenching it up in Paris.
We can't do much things together with my husband as a couple since our son was born. But we keep forgetting our anniversary together, just like in the old days.I bet I will remember next year, and surprise him.
Oh my gosh, your Martin Gore shout-out is totally my dream for my 20th anniversary! But KFC is nice too. Except The Col. can't sing "Somebody" to you. He's dead.
Laura -- Good point. Although you can use the bucket as puppet...
Dad Stuff -- They replace the biscuit with an baguette.
Anonymous -- Thanks!! That's awesome - that stuff was good.
With twin infants and a 4 year old, I will be happy if my husband and I leave the house together on our anniversary this year.
Chicken in Paris...that should be a song.
Happy anniversary and birthday!
That was big of you to get married so close to your birthday-- you run the risk of getting combined presents!
when you're going to paris in 2 weeks, you can't complain about Souplantation on the day of. sorry. that's cheating.
Happy decade. And... bon voyage!
nonlineargirl -- I would buy that song.
chanchow -- Some would say I did it on purpose so I would never forget.
May I suggest you talk to my husband? it's twelve years now, but I think maybe a little sumpm sumpm might be in order...
Good for you. I think Mrs. Creative will be a very happy lady.
kittenpie -- Just drop subtle hints to him everyday, like "we've been married for 12 years, it's about time we go somewhere really far away. And by that I mean a place without wookies"
Do you get to eat KFC more often now that they have Kentucky Grilled Chicken?
Bianka -- I haven't tried it yet, but trust me - I will.
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