My wife is now 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant as of today which means we’re in full preparedness mode. I know this detailed information because of an awesome iPhone app for Men with pregnant wives.
The car seat is ready, the birthing kit is always with us, the midwife is on our cell phones speed dial, and I can boil water within 2 minutes.
I’m actually not sure what the point of hot water is anyway, but whatever, I’m prepared if the need should ever arise.
This part of the pregnancy that I remember the least with our daughter the first time around, as I was too busy worrying about my wife and the birthing part going well. This time I know what to expect and I'm fully prepared (I hope!) This whole pregnancy thing just amazes me to no end.
What amazes me even more is the weird and almost rude things people say to pregnant women in general. Not sure if they’re trying to be nice or sympathetic, but here’s a list of things heard that nobody should say:
Never tell a pregnant woman…
- Are you pregnant?
- You must have had a big lunch!
- Whoa! You look like you’re going to bust at any minute.
- Are you sure you’re not carrying twins/triplets?
- Can I rub your belly for luck?
- (Rub belly without asking)
- Does your back hurt? Yeah, I woke up this morning and mine hurts too.
- You waddle like a duck.
- You’re all puffy just like the stay-puff marshmallow man.
- I have dogs/cats so I know exactly what it’s like to be a new parent.
- Did you hear about the woman that had a 30-pound baby last week?
- You look normal from the back.
What weird things have you heard?