Last year my “pumpkin art” was an homage to a brilliant American entrepreneur, in a white suit, who brought the world the gift of fried chicken (with 11 herbs and spices) and dumped in a bucket (the common man’s way of eating food) to life once again.
This pumpkin brought joy and happiness to all who came to my house begging for candy.
I don’t know if I could ever top that again.
I haven’t decided what I’m going to carve this year, but I thought I would post some original stencils I’ve created for ALL TO USE (and one I’ve found online) while trying to figure it out.
The Pumpkin Stencil List (click and then download):
For my daughters’ pumpkin:
In case you don’t know how to use a stencil instructions are here. I completely recommend using a Pumpkin Masters carving kit; you don’t need buy a fancy one just pick up the basic set. Most of the new tools are cheesy gimmicks and break easily anyway (big hint: you can find them at dollar stores now…)
Am I the only one who likes the tradition of carving pumpkins? Or are you like most people that buys a pumpkin and then forgets to carve it?
Great pumpkin! I've taken to carving fake pumpkins as well as real ones each year so I can reuse them and do more detailed carving (if I'm going to spend hours on the dang thing, it better last!)
Last year I did Jack Sparrow from an original drawing. A few years back I did Vader. Still have to decide what I'm doing this year tho... love the stencils!
Thanks for the ideas. Last year's pumpkin was pathetic. You couldn't tell if it was a jack o' lantern or if someone just punched out the front of a pumpkin.
Uh, I just go with the regular Jack-o-lantern type pumpkin.
WONDERFUL!! Wish I had some great idea for you, but my head is numb right now. At least that's my excuse for the moment.
well golly, you really are a creative-type! ;) not that I ever doubted you...
that colonel is astonishing!
Spongebob and Patrick
I'm a sucker for the pumpkin masters stencils. I've done one every year for the last 8 years, or so.
Pumpkin carving is such a silly bit of fun. I LOVE it.
Your designs are awesome!
Um, midget wrestlers?
I love some of these. Maybe I'll try to convince Misterpie to go outside the traditional this year, though it would be a tough sell. He hates change.
"Because the Colonel does Halloween and chicken right"...that got a good snicker from the Carolinas.
I say use the opportunity for toilet training although if you carve it the wrong way you'll need to watch out for burns.
ALL the Doodle Bops are creepy. Anyone with a thumb and three fingers is just weird.
kittenpie -- I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!
Wow, you're good. Really, really good...
Gretchen -- that is an interesting idea..
Maureen -- that's cool. do you have a picture of the pumpkin up?
Here ya go:
I think that pumpkin got me to read your blog b/c of the Colonel! Not sure how you're going to top that, but how about OJ in handcuffs or Popeye's chicken or those Thai women masseuse (sp?)?
We use the pumpkin masters set, too. I think definitely go for Chewie.
hhhmmm... no one wants to do Britney Spears? That's so unusual considering her popularity among kids.
Well, I was very pleased with myself last year for making a TRICK/TREAT pumpkin by carving TREAT on the front and TRICK (backwards) on the back. When you put a candle in and place the pumpkin near a wall, the word TREAT glows through the front and TRICK shows on the wall behind the pumpkin. (for a photo see
Of course now I have no idea what to do this year.
I used a stencil last year. NEVER again!!
We're off to a pumpkin carving party tonight! Maybe I'll bring some of your awesome stencils and "wow" everyone!
Usually, mine look something like this: >:0)
Those are awesome! I wish I had the patience for such elaborate pumpkin art.
How about Dwight from the Office?
Nothing could top Colonel Sanders.
Um, FYI, I know Tinkerbell and that is not her. Seriously. I've seen the official Book of Tink. It's closer to what you'd find on an ice cream truck in Echo Park.
The Colonel, on the other hand... well, he's just yummy.
Mrs. Chicky -- Dwight would be funny. But really tough...
nonlineargirl -- Wow! That's amazing.
wayabetty -- What about one of them eating chicken?
If we had actually made time to go out and get pumpkins this year, this would have been awesome. Somehow we became so busy that we ran out of time to go to the pumpkin patch this year. We do have 20 pounds of apples from when we went apple picking, so at least I am not totally ruining my kids!
I tried the Cinderella one (Clare picked it) and just posted a picture. Thanks.
If I feel inspired again I might try Tinkerbell. We have about four pumpkins.
Ok, I posted my Pokemon pumpkins today but I don't think anything can top the Colonel.
I think the doodlebop girl is what mudflap girl looked like before she got evicted from her apartment and had to take some "modeling" jobs.
beta mom -- poor kid
Whirlwind -- Great pumpkins - the Jack Skellington one is awesome (do people still say "awesome"?)
Darren -- Tinker Bell is actually easier. You did the tough one first -impressive
I know it is cutting it close, but in keeping with the food theme, the Burger King has always freaked me out.
wife.imp lurvs carving the annual gourds.
This year she carved Oak Leaves into one and a floral pattern in the second...
I bow down to the master.
Scarlett Wanna Be -- That's a great idea!
Aimee Greeblemonkey -- I can never be as cool as "The Colonel"
These are awesome! Since we still have about 5 uncarved pumpkins, I'm going to get to work! Thanks!
If we had actually made time to go out and get pumpkins this year, this would have been awesome. Somehow we became so busy that we ran out of time to go to the pumpkin patch this year. We do have 20 pounds of apples from when we went apple picking, so at least I am not totally ruining my kids!
his year she carved Oak Leaves into one and a floral pattern in the second...
I think the doodlebop girl is what mudflap girl looked like before she got evicted from her apartment and had to take some "modeling" jobs.
We actually care about the truck driver and want to see him improve his career
Wow....thanks so much for having a Tinkerbell type fairy!! You saved Halloween for my 10 yr. old.
nice stencils! This year is going to be amazing for pumpkin carving with so many cool stencils out there. Check out these guys pumpkin stencils. They have the entire cast of "the office" LOL.
That ehow article is terrible. Try this page, it shows with photos where to find and how to carve a Tinkerbell pumpkin stencil.
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