I’m another year older, and the sad part is that my wife had to remind me of my exact age because whenever someone asks I always say 21.
Actually I think I’ve been saying that line since I was 17.
Anyhow, Birthdays around my house don’t last for just one day, they last the entire weekend.
This year, without a doubt, had to be one of the best I’ve had in a really long time thanks to my wife, friends, and family. It all started on Friday with co-workers bringing in fancy cupcakes, balloons, and some completely unexpected gifts including some custom printed Lionel Richie cocktail napkins from a design that I had fashioned as a joke awhile back and hung on my office wall:
These are definitely going to be a staple at every party I have from now on, along with of course, a bucket of KFC.
Then Saturday a few close friends made an amazing Greek dinner spread complete with a homemade Reese’s peanut butter cup ice cream cake. And if that wasn’t enough check out a small sampling of the gifts:
Gary Coleman (Arnold) Toddler Shirt

Colonel Sanders’ Tijuana Picnic - LP

Can I just say how awesome my friends are? I’ll be sharing more of this swingin’ album soon.
Sunday (actual birthday) we made a trip to Disneyland with some family including my brother and his kids, all of whom I haven’t seen in well over a year. That place wore me out; I swear they need to open a ‘sleep ride’ somewhere in there for parents (and old people) like me can just take a snooze.
And it didn’t end there; today I took the day off of work to spend with my daughter - a tradition I’ve started ever since she’s been around. And the best part, I got to take a 2-hour nap while she was taking hers… pure heaven.
Seriously, I wish I could nap everyday. Then I could be dreaming of those swingin' KFC picnics in Tijuana, with the Colonel lounging by a nearby tree. And then when I wipe my mouth with Lionel Richie napkins I could tell him "Look Colonel, Lionel's got some chicken crumbs stuck in his mustache!"
Then we'd laugh and eat some more popcorn chicken.
Happy birthday! The Col. Sanders' Tijuana Picnic LP? Best gift ever! It would have me dancing on the ceiling.
You are one lucky dude. Happy birthday!
OMG I can't even believe how awesome those napkins are. ~want~
But the vinyl? Beyond priceless. Those are some good friends you've got. Happy birthday, Mister! May your chicken always be crispy and come in a bucket.
I'm rather in awe of those napkins. My husband has obviously been WASTING his graphic design skills.
Happy birthday! Mine was Friday. We celebrated with a child-free date, which ended in an outing for ice cream, with the child.
Happy Birthday!
{May your chicken be crispy and come in a bucket! I love that comment. And I'm laughing and it stumped me and I can't think of anything more clever or funny than that...}
Happy birthday! It sounds like you have a great birthday. Mine is on Sunday but we are not celebrating too much.
Happy Birthday!!! Seriously, you should sell those napkins. I'd like some for my parties.
Hah! What a great BDay! Happy Belated and all that... you are one lucky guy!
Happy Birthday!!
I can't decide which is the coolest - the album, the cupcakes, the napkins... I'd say you scored!
That is one surrealistic birthday......sweet.
Happy Birthday!
Those napkins make me want to dance on the ceiling. I'm not sure why.
Sweet! Co-napping. Happy birthday indeed.
Happy Birthday! I have that feeling you described a lot - since when did I get so darn old anyway? I love my life, but sometimes it's such a dream come true that it seems surreal. We do "birthday week" every year at our house - it's so much better when it's prolonged, isn't it?
Happy Birthday!
Sounds like you had the perfect day.
happy birthday! a 4 day celebration is certainly warranted!
kittenpie/roth -- I have looked into possibly selling, but they would be expensive.
Besides, not sure how many people would want Lionel Richie cocktail napkins other than us...
Happy B-day!
LP--BEST. GIFT. EVEH! I'm just saying. Even better then the Kristy & Jimmy McNicole LP I gave at a X-mas party a few years back; cause anything that includes Mexican & The Col, need I say more?
Wouldn't you have to pay licencing fees on the napkins? I'm just saying....(it's the ad geek in me coming out)
Hey in my house, birthdays last until the next person in the family has one. The kids and Hubby all have birthdays in December, so theirs doesn't last too long... but my birthday's in March! I get a looooooong birthday!!
Oh, and Happy 21st!
Great birthday! Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday!
And may you always look 21!!! :)
Happy Birthday, Tony!!! Sounds like an awesome time. Just don't dance on the ceiling with The Colonel. That would be so creepy.
Happy Birthday...sounds like it might take some doing to top this one!
Happy belated. My birthday this year may as well have been non-existent. My family didn't do squat and almost all of my friends forgot. I'm still depressed about it.
Thanks for reminding me.
OMG! My friend owns a couple of KFCs...I had to send her the pic of the album cover. That's awesome, lol.
Happy Birthday! Any day with a nap is worth celebrating.
Great gifts too.
Happy Belated Birthday! Wow, a nap? I think you won the lottery with that one! Husband's birthday is Monday and I am still debating buying one more slightly expensive gift.
Steph in AK -- Wow! Can I be friends with them too?
Whit -- That's depressing. Maybe I should mail you some Lionel napkins and you can throw your own party.
mama speak -- Probably. But I'm not selling them, they're strictly for medicinal use only.
Ben & Bennie -- "Oh! What a feelin', when the Colonel is dancin' on your ceilin'..."
I like it!
I know I'm late (what else is new?) but wanted to wish a fellow Aires a very Happy (though belated) Birthday!!!
Late but Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a nice time. Wish I had that nice friends
Holy cow that sounds like an amazing birthday. Finger lickin' good!
Happy Birthday! Hope it went All Night Long*
(Lionel Richie reference, in case you were wondering.)
Happy late birthday! Sounds like you had a nice weekend.
My kids actually just tried KFC for the first time a few days ago and I'm just coming out of my food coma:) They loved it!
There are a hell of a lot of April birthdays -- mine is coming up in a week and I hope I can milk it for at least two days:)
Happy Belated Birthday to you! I didn't realize our birthdays were so close . . . I could've totally used some of those Lionel Richie napkins at my party!
Maureen -- Wow, first KFC experience. I remember mine...I had the bucket over my head licking the crumbs out.
That still happens sometimes.
I agree; your friends are awesome. And happy birthday.
Happy belated birthday! I can't get over that album. The awesomeness is overwhelming. We used to hit the local KFC every Sunday after church.
p.s. Embrace the nap for as long as it lasts! I am still mourning the loss of naptime at our house.
BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) -- I need to start a KFC tradition like that.
Yes, I'm hoping the napping goes on for as long as I can push it. My daughter has a lot of energy these days and the break is definitely needed.
HEY DUDE!! Happy b-day TONY!! Did you get the singing gram I sent you? The Hoffs in Colonel outfit?
Happy belated dude!!
Wow, your friends sound really cool.
I might have to trade my generic plain brand ones in for a few more herbs n spices.
Happy belatedBirthday !
Happy (belated) birthday! Love the napkins.
You're a funny guy. Glad I came back to check stuff out!
Happy late birthday!
wayabetty -- Wow, that would be cool! And a little creepy....
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