My baby boy is here! He was born last Wednesday at a whopping 10 pounds and 3 ounces, for my international readers I think that translates to about 4.6 million kilograms.
Thankfully there was no bumping of anybody’s head. Through a strange series of events, my daughter brought home a mean stomach bug virus from preschool, which then passed to my wife and then me. Well, that stomach bug got the party started and induced my wife into labor that morning.
So for those full-term pregnant looking for some advice on how to induce labor, go hang out at a preschool.
I was actually surprised at how much faster the whole second experience took place. Labor was about 7 hours and the real “active” labor was less than two hours.
A woman we ran into today told us “That’s FAST! I was in labor for 7 days and 98 hours.” Somehow I didn’t believe her because she was pushing a dog in a stroller. People that push animal’s in strollers need serious help.
One very important fact I have to mention about the birth center we chose – it’s 1 block away from a KFC. YES! Can you believe it? Talk about convenience.
When my wife was in labor (regular, not “active”) we walked down there to get some popcorn chicken for lunch. I initially ordered one box, but then I told the woman that my wife was in labor right now so we’ll take two boxes. At first she didn’t believe me and then she looked at my wife breathing heavily, holding her back, etc.
While we were waiting I told my wife jokingly “Hey! Wouldn’t it be funny if you had the baby right now… in the KFC!”
She didn’t think that was funny. I think it was because she was in labor.
I won’t go into details about the actual birth except that we had him at a birthing center, not a hospital, with two midwives and a doula. He was initially going to be born in a tub, just like our daughter was, but because of his size he was delivered on some crazy thing called a birthing stool. I’m not even going to describe this thing, just use your imagination about how women gave birth maybe pre-1800’s. I would have much preferred the tub because birth is really messy business.
My bit of advice for those choosing a midwife or home birth – have the baby in the tub or bring some extra clothes.
Something I have to mention before moving on here about the whole events and something only parents that have gone through the experience will fully understand:
There’s nothing in this world that comes even close to meeting your child for the very first time. Feeling the bumps, the kicks, and talking to this mysterious little creature that grows in just 40 short weeks into a full-fledge baby is just something that is truly remarkable. The first time my son, and daughter nearly 5 years ago, looked back at me with their eyes and examined my face are some of moments that I’ll always remember.
So imagine my reaction 4 days later when his pediatrician told us that we needed to immediately rush our newborn son to the pediatric hospital because something call bilirubin had nearly doubled in his body in 12 hours. When we arrived they were waiting for us and put him in one of these hooked up in it for the next 3 days--

What even worse was staring at him in there while the doctor was telling us all kinds of information about it. I zoned out the entire time. The paperwork in our hands said something about a blood transfusion if they couldn’t stop it.
We didn’t tell most about what was going on, only a few close friends and family that had happen to call at the time by coincidence. But those who did helped us considerably during what had to be the worse days of our lives. To them we’ll always be forever grateful.
Thankfully he was finally able to come home this week. His numbers improved considerably and we had a little celebration with our daughter, unfortunately with no KFC present. We go in once again tomorrow for what we’re hoping to be his clean bill of health and then we can go on with our lives watching him grow.
Congratulations on your baby boy's birth! But seriously tell the truth, you were hoping if your baby was born at a KFC you guys would get a lifetime's supply of chicken weren't you?
Heck, I'm thinking of having my next baby at a Coach store. Maybe score me a free purse or two. I'm glad your baby is fine now, jaundice freaks the heck out of me as both my boys had it (though not as serious as your baby). Here's to baby's first taste of the colonel's chicken!
Congratulations on your new arrival.
We went through the same thing with our son, and actually had to be re-admitted a day later because his bilirubin levels hadn't lowered enough on their own. It was a scary time; that's for sure.
Congratulations! And how scary. I'm glad things are going better now!
Congrats! and Whew!
Seriously, you would get free Double Downs for life right if the baby popped at KFC?
Congratulations to you and your family! As impressed as I am about a 10 pound baby, I'm doubly impressed that, after a bout with a stomach bug, you and the wife were able to take in the popcorn chicken. Pretty hardcore!
Congratulations!! He is adorable.
oof. i can't imagine. i'm glad you are all coming through this OK... sending prayers for continued healing and strength for ya'll.
and if the baby had been born in KFC? That would be a great story. I went out to dinner the day I was due (but was NOT in labor) and when my waitress asked when I was due and I said "today" she had this panicked look like "are you going to give birth on my table?" it was hysterical. I can only imagine what someone at KFC would do with a woman actually IN labor. ;)
That is a heart wrenching story for me to read. I am so glad that he got to go home. I am going to say a prayer for him to get a clean bill of health.
Congratulations on the new additions. Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend with your family.
Congratulations to both of you. Wecome to the new miracle of life in your family.
Sorry about the bilirubin thing, hope its over.
Take care all of you.
Congratulations! (and Sanders is a beautiful name, by the way.)
Great name! Great to hear everything is on the up and up. Congratulations.
CONGRATULATIONS ON THAT BOUNCING BABY BOY!!! My sympathy also that he did not decide to arrive in KFC but, you can't have everything. I am truly sorry for the stressful, scary days you and your wife have been through. Hoping all is 100% healthy at the check up. That is a big boy! Proud papa for certain. Hope your turned upside down household be bathed in blessings!
Congratulations, wow and scary. I am sure by now someone has told you that lots of kids have jaundice and as he's getting intervention he is sure to be fine. My twins were jaundiced enough to have light therapy, though we did it at home with a bili-blanket. They glowed blue under their blankets, much to my older daughter's amusement. We told her they glowed because they were aliens.
Congratulations to both of you! He is a big baby, and handsome--might be a star football player at some point!
That sounds quite frightening, the experience with the bilirubin! But I'm glad he recovered, and wish you the best on the follow-up appointment!
Maybe this is a bit raw for me because my Dad's dog just passed away today. But the dog had a stroller. Why? He was disabled. If he wanted to go in public, he needed carried (he was 25 lbs, so not light after awhile) or put in the stroller. They tried an expensive wheelchair for him but he didn't like it. So, not all people that push dogs in strollers are in need of help.
That said, congratulations on your son. I am sorry about his levels jumping. My twins were in NICU for three weeks. I know how hellish that experience can be (I am sure more so when you have a full term baby that should be healthy).
Congrats again!
Rough beginnings aside, congratulations!
Congratulations! Just take things easy, I know you can handle it well. :)
So happy for you all. Congrats and enjoy all the joys he will bring you.
Congrats on the new addition to your family...and your proximity to a KFC during her labor.
Our first kid had the bilirubin spike and did the incubator thing for nearly a week before he was allowed home, though it sounds like yours was a bit more sudden and a lot more severe. Best wishes for continued improved health for him and everybody in your household.
Congratulations for having a new baby in the family! Don't forget to always relax!
Congratulations! I had my son stripped from my arms because of his bilirubin levels. Luckily I was still in the hospital (had to have a c-section fully knocked out) so I got to stay with him. Still, not having him by my side at just a day old broke my heart like nothing else. It depends on how much he's being fed, too. The more he eats, the more he can literally poop out the bilirubin. My milk didn't come in for several days, and the lactavists kept telling me he didn't need formula. The NICU nurses spoke differently, and my starving newborn easily drank 2 oz. every 3 hours. He's totally fine now. and still eats like a monster. :) Good luck to you and your growing family!
Giving birth to a baby at the "KFC". nice story and also a memorable one.
COngratulations and I hope allis well with you and your family.
I'm late to the party but -
He's beautiful.
Congrats...and goodness, the babies put us through THE WORRY, don't they? Good thing they're stinking cute.
That's a rough ride, but I'm glad all is well. Congrats to the whole creative-type fam.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY CTD! Hoping all is healthy and well with you and your family. Hope you get some KFC and perhaps a big cookie with Lionel Richie's image created with rich, tasty icing!!! Take care.
Awww, congrats on your new baby boy. I hope he will be okay.
Thank goodness everything is ok with your son! I know exactly what you were going through, we had the same issues with our son when he was born and it was so scary!!
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