I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I’ve started this blog. How different the world was back then with a 3 week old baby girl possessing the feeling of both excitement and anxiety of the unknown new world of parenthood.
This blogging of mine began late at night when our house felt more like a 24 diner with one demanding customer. Late night feedings quickly shifted from bad late-night TV to the Internet searching for other parents looking for tidbits of advice and insight (some still blog and are on the links to the right.) Then that slowly turned into my own writings about my own experiences and sometimes more than often random thoughts.
Over the years I’ve contemplated stopping for lack of time or sometimes significance, but then realized that these posts, no matter how random, personal, or infrequent document something that could be of interest to my daughter sometime in the future.
Or her future therapist, depending on who you’re talking to.
Highlights Over The Years:
If My Daughter Becomes a Vegetarian
The Elvis Impersonator Was Late to My Daughter’s 1st Birthday Party
KFC changes their chicken - My letter to Colonel Sanders
Men are from Mars, In-Laws are from Uranus (and they watch Football)
Birthday party: Chuck E Cheese is one ANGRY rat
Thank YOU for being a friend (with a Wii)
Parents that wait in line for hard-to-find Christmas gifts
Get me a beer, I'm feeling pretty manly after changin' the oil
It's NOT a facial - It's a MEN's facial!!
An open letter to the wife regarding fathers day
Mother's day coloring pages that you won't find anywhere else
The Easter bunny must be living large in beverly hills
I'm preparing for my daughter’s kindergarten interview
A message to toddlers: nose picking is very unpatriotic!
My daughter’s imaginary friend: an unauthorized biography
How to Catch an Imaginery Monster
Exterminator wanted! apparently my house is infested with monsters *Popular
Potty training coloring pages *Popular
Colonel sanders and santa claus must be brothers or just angels sent from heaven
Halloween night randomness! Pet parents, pimps, and...
HELP! I think they may take away my man card
Are you there God? It’s me Tony…what’s happening to me!?
Teaching Good Habits....with coloring pages
Congratulations Tony. Wishing you many more to come.
Princess looks so cute
Congratualtions on the 4 years. Quite an accomplishment. Your list of blog posts was hilarious. I'll have to return to read some.
future therapist, probably, and you'll be footing the bill. :)
happy Blogiversary. I wish I had discovered the blogosphere when MQ was younger... I really could have used it.
Happy four years in the blog world! I remember reading some of these highlighted posts when I was reading you on the sly, and you make four years look good!
Four years is like the Diamond Anniversary in blog years. That is great! Congrats!
Congrats. That is great.
Happy 4th anniversary. May there be high analytics numbers and plenty of comments in your future.
Congrats on the 4 years. I enjoy following the misadventures, so here's to loads more.
congrats on the 4 years.
Happy belated blogiversay.....and may you have many, many more and embarrassing ones for your daughter! I can't wait to read some of those past posts.
happy returns of the day! (sorry, pooh stories are in heavy rotation around here currently)
Happy 4th. Keep the jack-o-lantern patterns coming!
Dad Stuff -- Absolutely! I've got some really weird/odd pumpkin patterns this year.
Here is another parenting blog you may enjoy http://www.diyfather.com/
A belated happy blogiversary! Maybe if we keep writing long enough the kids can take these over some day.
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