I’m beyond disturbed…
My daughter wanted to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz this year because she saw some other girl her age wearing the costume and she’s a huge fan of the movie.
Well, only the singing parts of the movie she watches on YouTube. And she really likes the idea of carrying a Toto stuffed animal dog in a basket.
So of course when she asked, “Can I be Dorothy this year for Halloween?” We said, “sure, all right” that sounds pretty cute and innocent enough; it is a classic gem of a movie and it’s even got midgets and monkeys.
So I Googled it to look at some shopping options and to my surprise a whole lot of options came up for all ages.
From toddler

To elementary

Hells no! What kind of message is this sending to young girls when they’ve taken an innocent childhood character and have made a progression of her from toddler to lap dancer? I don't want ever want my daughter to see costumes like that which are suppose to be the same character as her.
They’ve even made a “sexy” Tin Man costume...

Seriously? The Tin MAN. The Tin Man is a MAN, not a sexy woman. Who designs this stuff?
What’s next “Elmo?” Oh, wait – they ALREADY MAKE ONE!

My advice for Halloween costume designers: sure, make sexy costumes for adult women, but stay off the characters that are made for kids. Don’t ruin fairytales and classic movies.
Some suggestions so workers in China can stay employed in the Halloween costume industry--
NOT OK: Dorothy, Belle, Jasmine, Snow White, etc.
OK: Sexy KFC Bucket of Chicken

So true. I like the way you think.
I agree. The last one makes much more sense!
It's frighteningly amusing. This is BY FAR the worst one I've ever seen ...
And here I always thought bottom-feeding carp were the sexiest of fishes.
Yeah, the guidelines are all blurred and disturbing these days.....you're just seeing the tip of the iceberg, wait til you begin shopping for pre-teen clothing for girls...wait...they already inject slutty, sexy clothing in girls younger than that. Sick.
So following your criteria it is NOT appropriate for my 2yo daughter to wear the toddler version of the park avenue hooker? I couldn't decide between that or the toddler version of a stripper.
Yeah, the 13-yo girl down the street tagged along with all us fams with little kids to go candy hunting, and her boobs kept falling out of her scantily-clad costume...very disturbing. I think it's even more disturbing that her parents let her leave the house like that. What can ya do....
Sadly Rule 34 also applies to costumes :S
I don't know what upsets me more, that costume for a teen or "Surfer Jay's" comment about the 13yo.
Was that a breast peice sticking out? That chicken bucket is too sexy as well!
I agree 110% with you - it is nuts!!
To add to that If you are the adult wearing the sexy costume don't wear it to your kindergartners school Halloween party! Seems to happen a lot at my kids schools!
Raising 8 -- At a kindergarten party?? That's crazy!
LOL, thanks for the sexy KFC. Too funny.
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