The problem with having a kid that’s 1 ½ is that he puts nearly everything in his mouth. And if he can’t put it in his mouth, he’ll lick it like a lollipop and then ask his sister or a random stranger if they want to try it too.
So of course he became sick and then was over it after a day or two, and then I got sick for well over a week.
This virus was much different than the others I’ve had in the past - this one caused major insomnia so between the hours of 1-4AM I discovered a whole new world of distractions…
- Pinterest. I heard about this from some marketing people at work and thought it was the stupidest idea in the world. Like, seriously stupid. A “virtual pinboard” and pinning, and repining and these marketing girls said they were spending hours on this thing a day. Stupid! And then I signed up using my “Fakebook” account and got a waiting list (how stupid!) And then I got my official invite two days later (really stupid waiting period.) And then I started pinning…That was last Wednesday. I can’t stop. Did I mention they have an iPhone app too?
- Doogie Houser M.D. on Hulu. I started watching the show’s first season, which I hadn’t seen since High School. Which had me wondering, why did I watch this show in High School?
- Clibe on iPad. Create and share digital journals. Most of them are interesting sketchbooks.
- Instagram. I’ve been on this for about a year now, but didn’t realize how many bloggers are on it. I’m at “Tony CTD” if you want to follow me.

1 comment:
Nooooo! I am still resisting Pinterest. I know I will eventually submit, and it's a terrible feeling. Like the Borg are coming, you know?
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